Chapter 29

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Today is my Birthday and Marcus is leaving. I roll out of bed and walk over to his room, he is all packed and is looking at his phone when I walk in. "Hey, you ready to go?" he nods and we go to get Noah my aunt had to work today. Noah still doesnt talk as much and she doent smile as much, We walk in and she looks up and gives Marcus and I a small smile from her bed. "Noah, were gonna take Marcus to the airport so he can go home so come down when your ready." she nods and get out of bed grabs Kaya and gets her dressed. Marcus walks down stairs and I hug him, "I'm going to miss you" I feel my eyes tear up."Awe, Tess your gonna be in London tommorow" He chuckles. " I know, but I don't have anywhere to stay" I pout. "Well, your staying with me and my apartment. Alone" he wiggle his eyebrows and I laugh. "I'm ready Tessa and Marcus" Noah whispered. I frown a bit, Noah hardly ever calls me Tessa, let alone Marcus his name. I will talk to her when we get home. Marcus nods and walks into the Car and I get in passnger. The drive to the Air port is really fast, I hate it. We get out of the car and I start to tear up. "Hey, I will see you tomorrow" He says holding my face and wiping away tears. I nod, "I'm still gonna miss you" I say holding back tears but failing. He smiles and looks at Noah "Hey, when ever you wanna talk I'm there, okay Noah? I'm gonna miss you sweet girl." he says hugging her and she starts to cry. "I'm gonna miss you, I love you Marcus" she says crying. We all hug and cry in a little circle, "The 9:00 flight to London leaves in 5 minutes." the flight attendant says. Noah and I walk to the gate and give him one last hug. "Bye, I love you Tess and Noah" I smile, "We love you too" Noah says. He walks on and we walk to the jeep, "I miss him Noah" I hate sounding clingy but I do. "It's okay, Me too" She says and gets in the back, I buckle her up and Drive back home.
Marcus POV
I told Tessa that I loved her and I've only known her a couple of days, but it feels like forever. I decide to get on Twitter, @Marcusbutler: I miss you already :( I tweet to Tessa. My seat is in the middle of two people. I hate the middle, I just want to be home.
•Noah POV•
After Marcus left Tessa was really sad. Probably Because her Marcus had to leave on her birthday and Auntie Jen had to work. We pull up to the house and I unbuckle and go inside, "Can I talk to you Noah?" I nod and walk down stairs. "I've been meaning to ask you, Um, is there something wrong? You just don't seam like a happy bubbly little girl anymore." She asks. "I just miss mommy I know I can't see her until I go to heaven, but I still miss her so much and I don't know why God would take my mommy away!" I say kinda loud at the end. She looks at me, "I know the feeling Noah, my mommy and daddy both died in a car accident, and at first I was mad, angry even, at God but then I realized maybe it happened for a reason. Maybe it was their to go. I still miss them everyday, But your mommy would want you to act like you even if she went to heaven." I hug her "Thank you Tessie." I say back. She is right mommy would want me to be me.
•Jenny POV•
I get on the phone and call all of Tessa's friends. Telling them not to tell her happy birthday but to help me with her surprise birthday party at her favorite sea food restaurant. Red lobster, they all say yes and we drive down there. "Okay Jace, Kim, Luke, you all are in charge of balloons only red and black balloons" I say and they give me a weird look. "She is wearing red and black and so are all of you! Get a move on! Chase, Josh, Lucy, you guys have to fold napkins and set tables. Calum, Michael, and Kelly you guys will have to make sure the menu is all prepared the right color, double check the guest list, because I invited some of her favorite singers, actors/actresses, and models." All of them stop what there doing and look at me, "there is going to be Celebrity's here!" I nod. "What do you think I do at work, I'm an director/photographer. Now get back to work!" I
tell and they jump but do.
•Tessa POV•
I get a text from my aunt saying she needs me to get dressed she has a business meeting and I'm invited. I don't want to I mean it's my birthday and everyone forgot. Even Luke! I decided to just get ready, I get in the shower and wash my hair. I look through my closet, I find a deep red peplum shirt with a black leather bow belt. I also found some Black leggings with a zipper at the bottom with my black Bowed uggs, my bracelet from Marcus. I put on a dress coat with a black yarn scarf over it, I know I'm in Malibu but still. "Noah can you get dressed?" She comes down wearing a black dress with little red bows in her hair. Just then my aunt walks in "Okay your ready, you look good." she waves her hand showing me to the car. I can't believe she forgot my birthday, I hate it, Maybe if my parents were here.... Wait if my parents were here I wouldn't even be hanging out with my aunt on my birthday. We pull up to a Red Lobster, at least it's my favorite place. We all get out and walk in its all dark, "Maybe it's closed" I whisper then I hear "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TESSA!" I scream and see all my friends and.... Famous people. I see a group of boys near the back, Oh my gosh is that the old Magcon! They notice me staring and walk towards me, "Hey, Happy birthday Tessa" Cameron Dallas says pulling me in for a hug. "Oh my gosh your Cameron Dallas! I love you sooo much!" I say and instantly regret how embarrassing that was. I blush "I'm sorry, that was um way out of hand" I ramble and the other boys hug me and I fan girl over them. Then I see Cameron Diaz and Dru Barrymore my favorite actress, I walk over to them "I love your guys movies!" I say and they laugh "Thanks, Happy Birthday!" Cameron says.
"Happy Birthday too youuuuuuu" they sing and I tear up. I wish Amber gets better, I blow out the candles. They cheer, "Thank you all for coming!" I say. We've all ready ate and everyone is leaving, "Happy birthday Tessa, love you" Luke says hugging me. "Maybe we can hang out tomorrow, only tomorrow because I have ban-Final study the next couple of days" He says. "I can't I'm going to London" he stops hugging me and looks at me "For how long?" I laugh "A couple of days, to see Amber" he smiles and waves bye. I get in my aunts car "Did you like your party?" Jenny asks. "Yes, thank you for everything" I say. The drive home is quick which I'm thankful for because I need to go back and pack.
"Tessa it's 3am, time to go to the airport" my aunt whispers. I shake my head "Nope, me tired" I say and she laughs "Okay take her to the car" she says to someone, Next thing I know I'm picked up and taken to the car. I open my eyes to see Chase, "Good Morning Tessa" I laugh. "Oh Chase I'm still sleeping." he laughs, sets me down, I grab my bag and get into my aunts car. "Tessa go get on the plane!" I jump and run to the gate. "Bye!" I say now fully awake. This time on the plane, I don't sit next to a YouTuber just some dude taking a nap. I just sleep half way there, the other half is just me playing on my phone. "Everyone getting off in London, your flight is over" I grab my bag, and walk to the baggage claim to get my other bags. I finally see my bag and quickly grab it, I call Marcus "Hey, are you here?" I ask looking for him. "Ya" I feel a pair of arms around my waist. "Hello" he says like he does when he starts his videos. "Ready to go?" I laugh and he grabs my hand we walk to the car. The way to his apartment is Nice, we hold hands the whole way. I'm going to visit Amber tomorrow, she doesn't know I'm here. I call her, it went straight to voicemail, "Hey Am, I'm sorry the flight got cancelled, this is Tess by the way I'm sorry." I hang up and Marcus parks the car. His apartment is nice, "This is my humble a home, Your room is right next to mine, or we can share" he says grabbing my waist and kissing me. I wrap my arms around his neck, wrap my legs around his waist, he puts his hands on the inside of my thighs holding me up. We pull away for air "Your Perfect Tess" he says with his perfect accent. "I'm far from it" I whisper. I get down and walk to the room he pointed at. I walk in to a room smaller room than what I have at home, But it reminded me of the house that I used to share with my perfect family.
"Dad said if we won this round he would take us to the mall, and buy us whatever we want" Amber said. She is talking about this round of hide and seek. I shush her "If you want to win shut up!" I say and she nods, I hear dad walk by and stop. "Man, I thought I heard some girls over here. I see light and Dad comes into view, "Ah man! Stupid Tessa!" My 12 year old sister, Amber says. "Its not my fault you were talking!" I put my hand on my hip. "I will make you a deal, If you can beat me and your mom to the car then we can take you to the mall," Amber starts to run, "But if we win, You have to do all the house chores" I nod and run toward the car.
•End of flashback•
I smile at the memory, Amber was twelve and I was fourteen. She was so happy and didn't show any sighs of cancer. My phone rings "Hello this is
the London hospital of cancer.."

•Marcus POV•
I hear Tess scream and I walk over to her room, she is on the floor crying. "She-she is gone" She cries harder and screams "She was my only Family left!" She gets up and goes over to her bag pulls out a little box and throws it. "Tess, calm down!" I say grabbing her wrist softly. She flinches and recoils "No I loved her, and now she is gone!" She pulls on her hair and scream and falls down. "Tess, is it Amber?" She glares at me. "Don't talk about my sister, I hate life!" She storms out of the room and goes into the kitchen. She looks though the cabinets looking for something. "Marcus where is your wine?" She asks. "No, I'm not let you get your self wasted!" She screams. "Shut Up! Would you! My sister just died you Dumb Tard!" She punches my chest, I grab her wrist and hug her. "Tessa please talk to me!" She sits down. "My sister Amber had stage four leukemia, she died this Afternoon." She cries and then continues "She was 16 for gods sake! My only family left!" She says upset again. "Tess, I'm sorry but..." She puts her hand up "Marcus please tell me where your wine or beer is please" she looks just so sad. I point to the refrigerator, she walks over to it and stops holding a beer. "Marcus your right, I can't drink my thoughts away" she puts it away. "I just want to be with my family, again" she looks down at the open drawer. I walk over to her "If my whole family is gone maybe that's gods way of saying it's my time too" she says. I grab her hands "Tess, Just calm down." she nods. "I just want my Family. Marcus, why do we have life?" She says looking at her wrist. "Tessa your being crazy" she shakes her head. "Nope just facing reality" I hold her and she cries. "I'm just throwing a pity party, I hate stupid sympathy!" She says into my chest. Later on she falls asleep and I lay her in bed. "Lay with me" I lay down next to her and wrap my arms around her chest.

•Nobody's POV•
As Jenny washes Tessa's clothes she finds the card for the school in New York. As Tessa lays there is Marcus's arms she decides she needs a fresh start. Noah Finally starts school.
Luke and some other guys are in a band. Ashton is better just scars from his mistakes. Kim doesn't sleep around as much. Josh and Lucy's are in love.
Finally over! But don't worry there is still a sequel! It's Called Amnesia its on my page! I just wanted to say thank you I love you all, thank you for reading this you are all amazing.
Xoxo Carter
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