Chapter two

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"Tessa love your friends are here"

Jenny calls, I walk down the stairs since I can't run, Lucy comes and hugs me.

"Oh my goodness! Are you okay? Do you remember who I am?"

"Ya your Lucy!" I say without hesitation, she nods then I notice the boy next to her.

He is really attractive with his bandanna and curly brown hair.

"Tess are you ok?" he opens up his arms, to me for a hug.

"Ya, kinda, well no, but who are you?" I question with one eyebrow raised.

The boys face falls to a frown.

"You don't know who I am?" he starts to shake, then says, "Its me, Ash your boyfriend we've dated for 3 years!"

I frown and try to remember.

"Oh'' is all I manage to say.

"I'm so sorry I didn't visit you, I thought it was just something small, but now I know it wasn't and I'm so sorry Tess" He apologizes.

"Its okay'' I say hugging him, well this is awkward, I pull away.

Then Luke suggests "Lets go to Tessa's room." We all nod and go to my room.

"This is room is amazing" Lucy says in awe.

Ashton stays quite and just takes it all in, "Nice room Tess" he whispers.

I give him a small smile he returns it. Luke grabs my hand and gives me and reassuring squeeze.

"Okay Lucy and I will give you two some time to talk, because this is suffocating me''

They then left. "So, Tess we need to talk." he says then he has a small smile.

No dip Sherlock!

"Okay Aston I think since I can't remember who you are, I just need some time off dating then if in a little bit you want to start over we can start to date again, I will try to remember our relationship, I'm sorry that I can't remember you."

He nods and then says "I think so too but please try, so can I date other people while I'm waiting" He asks kinda rude, I stand their in shock.

"No, to be rude or move on to fast.'' he quickly adds, I nod.

"That might be what we need, but I want to be friends. Not the 'we can still be friends' crap I want real friends! If that is ok?" I ask.

"Okay, I'd like that" he says.

Then Luke and Lucy come back into the room, "I hope ya'll worked it out, because I'm not leaving this room ever again" Luke says falling onto my bed.

I sit on my couch and watch TV.

"I invited Michael and Kelly over if thats Ok" Luke says.

I had to think who they are, Michael is a drummer or plays guitar, something.

I'm pretty sure Kelly is Michaels girlfriend. I shrug.

"Who ever they are" I mutter under my breath and Luke hears me and laughs.

Later Some boy with crazy hair and girl with pretty blonde hair come and start with those flipping baby questions.

"Oh, Hey Tess, Do you know who I am?''

I grunt in annoyance, "Yea, Michael and Katlyn" I say. Then realize I said the wrong name.

"Um, my name is Kelly" She says, I give her a fake apologetic smile.

"School starts tomorrow!" Michael shouts.

That's amazing and I bet I won't know anyone which is good I guess.

"Their is two new kids both really cute Jace and Chase" Lucy says in awe.

I roll my eyes, "I still need to find out what to wear" I say.

Lucy runs into my closet, then finds the perfect outfit an hour later.

"Thanks Lucy!" I say.

Later on everyone leaves well except Luke.

"Your not going to leave" I ask.

Luke plops down on my bed, "Nope my dads home, and I'm not in the mood for a lecture about how a perfect son would do this, insted of this"

Then I remember Luke basicly lives with me, because his dad is a mean abusive drunk.

"Ok well night" I say, because I am exhausted.

Then go to sleep, before I go all the way to sleep I hear, "Night Tessie love you" I feel a pair of lips on my forehead.


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