Chapter Three

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When I wake up Luke is on the fold out couch sound asleep, he looks so cute when he is asleep.

"Luke get up we will be late!" I say fully awake.

"Mhhh.." says the lazy boy in my room.

Five minutes later, Luke is up and ready.

I put on my white romper and red & white bandana tied into a bow like thing. Then I put on my make up, and head down stairs for breakfast. Luke is wearing a black Nirvana shirt with a yellow face in the middle and some dark shorts.

"Whoa Tess you look Hot" Luke says, At that my face turns bright red.

"um.. thanks you don't look to bad your self" I reply awkwardly.

After some breakfast me and Luke head to school. As soon as we pull up girls are gawking at Luke and glaring at me, and everyone keeps staring at me and I don't know why.

"Why are they starring at me?'' I whisper in Luke's ear, he smiles.

"Cause you look really good" he says back. Luke and I's locker are really far apart, probably because he is an H and I'm a C.

"Bye see you in homeroom and chemistry!"

Luke shouts, and people look at him, I smile back, Yep me and Luke only have two classes together. Great, and I don't know anyone! I turn to get my stuff for homeroom. I turn to leave my locker and bump into someone.

"Whoa watch it you little-" he stops yelling at me and looks me up and down.

"I mean, Sorry, I'm Chase" He says with an award winning smile.

Wow! He thinks he can just be rude, then see I'm 'pretty' then be a charming little piece of turd. "I'm Tessa, and I'm also leaving."

Then the bell rings and my day starts.


"Ok class, I'm Ms. Louis and I'm your homeroom teacher."

blah blah blah rules...

"You can talk for the rest of class" I get up and start to walk to Luke.

"Oh my gosh are you new!" A girl exclaims. Ugh I hate her voice, so annoying.

"Um, no I'm Tessa Collins" I say to the girl.

"Didn't you get in a Car crash? Also didn't your parents like die or something" some brunette rudely asks.

"Your so stupid Jami! You don't just ask people that!" The blond girl says, and another girl with red hair nods.

"Anyway, I have to get going and I didn't catch your name" I say.

She seams nice but I just dont know. "I'm Kim, this is Sage, and Jami."

She says then flips her hair over her sholder and walks away.

Wow, so the blonde Is Kim, redhead is Sage and Jami is the brunette.

I sit next to Luke "hahahaha. you -had -to -talk -to -Kim'' he says between laughs.

"Of course you know her I bet I liked her!" I said with heavy sarcasm. "Oh you and her were best friends in like 2nd grade it was funny until her dad became a drunk and got mean, and started taking it out on Kim, you and I. Then she stared to build up walls around her to block out people from knowing her past. She covered those walls with fake queen bee wallpaper" he explains.

I dont know what to say. The bell rings I head to Math, ugg I hate math, I take a seat in the middle row.

"Well, well, hey babe" a deep not wanted voice says.

"Ugh.. Hey...Chad was it?" I ask smirking at him then realize what he called me.

"Oh and Chad don't call me babe." He smiles cockily.

Math starts, "Hey guys, I'm Ms.Lanie and this is math and you can figure out the rules on your own. Anyway you guys can talk to each other" she says, she looks really young. I look around the room, there is a boy with Brown hair and he is really cute, I walk up to him.

"Hey I'm Tessa." I smile down at him,

"Jace." he says without looking at me and stays looking at his notebook

"Can you go, because I can't think because your too pretty and distracting me." he says while looking at me.

I blush and laugh. "Ok see you around Jace." I turn to see a really jealous looking Chase.

"Whats wrong Chase" I ask with fake sadness in my voice.

"Nothing babe, just thinking about our date." He says looking deep in thought. I stand their confused.

"What date? You never asked me on a date!" I exclaim throwing my hands in the air. He just smirks, "Oh Tessie, will you go on a date with me?"

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