Chapter 9

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Tessa pov:

I don't know where I am and my Phone died like ten minutes ago, so here I am again left with my guilt and thoughts of how many ways I ruined Ashton's life. Gosh who dose that who lets a person lose her memory and Parents all in one night! Why did this have to happen to me and we never did find out who ever hit us but boy, do I want to. I find a random park and sit on the bench, Why did I push away the people who care for me! I hope they know I love them so very much. I'm just gonna pray on this one on whatever god or gods there are.

Mom, Dad
I am so sorry for that night.I miss you guys like crazy and I miss moms cooking and dads jokes. I miss our little stupid family game nights that I secretly loved and how Luke was like your guys son now dad he acts like my older brother and takes care of me. Aunt Jenny is awesome but she really isn't you guys. I miss how on Christmas we would never open up presents until everyone was up and ready (when we meant everyone we meant Luke) I miss you smile mom and dads laugh. I remember when I was little I would scream "Daddy daddy daddy's home" when you would come home I would jump into your arms and you would call me your princess. I also remember when ever mom would make cookies I would run into the kitchen and Jump up and down chanting "Mommy can I pretty please eat the cookie dough in stead of putting them in the magic microwave" you would laugh and pick me up and whisper "Anything for you C.D" that was our little nickname you called me Cd and Dad called me Princess. Mom and Dad I love you so much. bye

I open my eyes and see Lucy standing right in front of me. She comes and sits next to me we just sit there in silence until I break the silence "Do you know the way back?" she nods. "Luke's gonna be so happy to see you." She whispers. Ah crap I forgot about How scared Luke must be"How did he take it" I whisper back "He almost murdered Chase for saying he was going to stay at the house" She says smiling I laugh "Classic Luke" The ride back is silent and when we get back Luke is on the steps head in his hands. I tip toe over to him "Lukey I'm back I'm so sor-" I was cut of when he got up and wrapped his arms around my waist and spun me and held me so tight he must have thought if he let go I would run again. "Please Tessie don't ever scare me like that again I forgive you if you just promise me please." I nod and hug him back and he kisses my forehead. We walk in side my eyes are wide open at the sight in front of me it has a fire place, a breakfast bar, Sectional couch, flat screen, gaming consoles and a bunch of movies. "Wow i-it's beautiful" I say and stand there in awe. Then I see him I walk up to chase and slap him. hard. "Ow what the crap you little spoiled brat" He roars at me. he did not just pull the spoiled brat card on me "You did not just call me a spoiled brat! you listen here my life has been crap ever since the accident" I yell pointing him in the chest and continue "And also if I was so spoiled would my parents be dead would my sister be-" I stop my self none nose about my sister and her well um Cancer my sister Amber is 16 years old and Has leukemia And is in London doing some chemo there for better testing. Everyone looks at me and I run off into an empty room this must be my room. I plug my phone in and take out my iPod and put on my head phones and Text Amber about the trip

Me: Am I don't know what to do

Amber: I don't care about your stupid drama come and see me you Butt ;*

Me: Am I will as soon as its Christmas break We only have to wait two weeks

Amber:Fine well I'm tired so good night Tessie I love you

Me: good night Am I love you lots get some rest

I turn off all my apps and listen to a song. I sing softly

'I've got a long list of ex-lovers they'll tell you I'm insane
I got a blank space baby and I'll right your name'

I was so busy singing and thinking about Am I didn't even notice Chase walk in he moved his mouth but I didn't hear any words cause I was too busy listening to music suddenly my headphones are ripped off my head and put be hind Chases back."Give them back" I growl he looks at me and says"You and your stupid boyfriend do that a lot" he says "first I don't have a boyfriend and also give me back my head phones you stupid'' I say as sweetly at possible."Nope" he said popping the 'p'. "Fine why are you even in here" I ask. "Because your friend Ashton got hit my a plane because he was so drunk he drove on to a landing pad" he said smirking. I shook my head at least he is okay I think he's not dead right? "Is he dead?" I choke out the words "He got cancer and he's in a coma so he's great!" he said sarcastically. "You are an awful person and none will love you" he adds smirking. "I hate you and also I hate that I invited you and I hate that I even came just go" I scream he just stands there "Get the heck out now" he walks out of the room And I just sit there on my bed letting the words sink in 'You are an awful person none will ever love you'
'You are an awful person none will ever love you'

Ok so she kind of opened up and told about a character that none knew about so whatta think yes on Amber or No! Also this chapter is forgetting Jace because..... Anywho I typed this chapter on my iPod so please excuse the short chapter longer chapter next Time!




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