Chapter five

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Tessa Pov

So we decided that we were going to the fall house this weekend, were taking Luke, Lucy, Chase, Jace and were taking my Jeep.

"I cant believe she let me use her fall house" I told Luke.

He just smiled "Lets watch a movie" Luke went and picked out a movie while I went and got snacks.

"What movie did you pick?" I said, he smirked.

"It better not be scary or I may never sleep!" I warned.

"I would never do such a thing!" he said dramatically, putting a hand on his heart.

Oh boy here we go.


The movie was about this little girl was possessed and killed everyone and like drank their blood or something it was so friggin scary!

I sat basically on top of Luke with my head in his chest he would just laugh and keep watching the movie.

When the movie was over it was a little past midnight Luke said he would sleep in my hammock but I was to scared to sleep alone so he slept next to me with a pillow between us of course. I turned and faced him and started to fall asleep, he moved the pillow and put his arms around my waist.

I was too tired to tell him to move.


I was running, Really fast from what looks like a girl or something she came after me and started stabbing me in my stomach over and over.

"STOP! please owwww please" I pleaded over and over agian.

"Tessa its all your fault!" the girl cooed. "your parents are dead because of you." she said.

I started to cry "No its not my fault" I sobbed trying to convence myself but it wasn't working.

Because in my heart I knew it was my fault."Tessa get up!" The girl yells.

My eyes shot open, "it was just a dream. I wasn't really getting stabbed and it wasn't really my fault was it?" I cried into Lukes chest, for what feels like the hundredth time.

"What wasn't really your fault Tess?" Luke asked.

"Why they died Luke, was it my fault?" I asked in almost a whisper.

"Oh gosh Tessa no of corse not" he said hugging me tighter. I noded, then looked at the clock it read 5:33, I got up and started to get ready It was alittle cold out so I wore some black leggings and a Homecoming 2013 hoodie from last year.

I put on my black uggs and some make up, mascara and foundation. I go back in to my room and Luke is all ready.

"Wanna go out to breakfast with me, please Tessie" he begs.

"I don't know why you even asked" I laugh and head downstairs, to Luke's car we drive until we find a place to eat.

When we walk inside some guy winks at me, he is looks maybe the same age as us. His name tag reads Calum, we walk and sit in a booth.

He rushes over to us and says " Hello my name is Calum and I will be your server, what can I get you two to drink?" he askes.

"I will have a Hot Chocolate." I say and smile at him.

He smiles back his smile is really cute we keep looking at each other.

"Well I don't mean to interrupt your guys moment, but I will have a coffee" Luke says annoyed, and Calum left to go get our drinks.

After we ordered everthing Luke went to go and pay the bill and Calum came over to me "Hey do you wanna hang out sometime I mean you dont have to...." he stared rambling abou something.

I put my hand up on his shoulder "Sure here my number" I handed it to him.

"what school do you go to" he asked.

"Malibu high school I'm a senior" I said and before he could respond.

Luke walked over, grabbed my hand and we left.

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