Chapter 16

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It's been one month since the argument and that's long for Luke and I. He doesn't seem to care he is way to busy with stupid Kim. Any way this is the last day of school until winter break and it's kinda cold here in Cali it's like forty degrees. I get up and take a shower wash my hair with like a minty wash, get dressed in my 'Think Pink' long sleeve shirt mint colored shirt, black leggings, and my UGGs. I dry my hair with the blow dryer then curl it super curly. I grab my vans bag and keys and head down stairs for breakfast. I'm ungrounded now but Evan still isn't aloud here, which is fine because I have My lovely boyfriend Jace. I eat fast and get in my car to drive to school, When I get there Jace is waiting by my locker. "Hey babe" he kisses my noes and I giggle. "You look beautiful today he compliments. "Thanks you do too." he grabs my hand and Jace walks me to home room were I have to sit next to Luke. I sigh "Maybe next semester we will have classes together." he kisses my forehead just as the bell rings "Maybe" he leave to go to his first class, and I take my seat. This is the last day before winter break!!!
The day goes by slowly when the final bell rings I run out of the room and to my locker grab what I need throw it into my bag and run to find Jace. When I find him his back Is turned and he his talking to some guy on the football team, the guy sees me and I put a finger on my lip he goes back to talking to Jace. I run and jump on Jace and put my legs around him the guy he was talking to is now laughing and so is Jace. "Hey babe, what are you doing?" He jokes and I play along "oh nothing just hanging. can you take me to my car I'm meeting my boyfriend there were going on a date." he gasps and puts a smirk on his face, "I would love to take you to your car and meet this boyfriend of yours we will be there real quick." He cackles and starts to run to my car. "Oh my gosh! Jace don't run!"he doesn't listen and everyone looks at us even Luke he scowls and I send my best smile in his direction. Jace almost ran into my car, he set me down and looked around "Um I'm not seeing your boyfriend around here looks like I'm gonna have to take you on that date" I laugh and we get into my car since Jace's is in the shop.
"What do you want for Christmas?" We were watching movie trailers at the movies. "I wish for my parents but I know there not coming back, and I have everything I could ever ask for so I don't know. what do you want " I reply. "I want to take my girlfriend and some friends to Hawaii for Christmas" I look at him "No way!" I yell whisper. he nods "Eight tickets to Hawaii for Christmas they leave next week on Tuesday and two tickets are taken so that leaves us with six friends to take" he explains. I can't believe I get to go to Hawaii for Christmas with my boyfriend. Maybe if my aunt says yes, the movie stars and I give Jace a big thank you kiss.
When the movie was over we walked to my car. "Jace do you wanna-" he interrupts me "Build a Snowman" I laugh "really, as I was saying would you like to spend the night at my house." he looks at me and wiggles his eyes. what a boy "Sure babe, if your aunt doesn't mind. "Jace, she loves you almost at much as I-" I stop my self I almost said the three words the words that mean a lot to a person. "As much as you what" Jace asks. "As much as I love Netflix" I laugh nervously. Good save. the drive to my house is quiet and not a comfy quite the kind of quite that you just wanna shout how quite it is. when we pull up we both get out and up to the front door and walk in. "Tessa, dear your home." she looks at me "And you brought Jace." I give her the can he spend the night look she nods. "just don't do the nasty okay kids hands to your self" I snort unattractively. "we won't don't worry." we walk up to my room an I get dressed in my room and Jace gets dressed in my bathroom. He has a rack of clothes hear just for break. I go up to my bed and cover up. "Tess wanna watch some Netflix." Jace says coming from the bathroom and laying next to me. I nod "sure" He turns on the tv and I take out my phone and text Lucy since she is the only one I'm not mad at in our group.

Me: hey lu

Lucy: hey, have you heard Ashton is awake

Me: no, but is he okay

Lucy: well he only has a couple Burns and scars and some broken ribs but that's about it you should go see him before he leaves the hospital.

Me: okay well night.

I turn off my phone and plug it in. I snuggle closer to Jace."do you remember Ashton" I ask he nods "you do know it's not your fault babe, He will have some scars from the plane burn but his actions aren't your fault okay?" I nod "okay, but I feel really bad" he looks down at me "its okay to feel bad babe, just go to bed you must be tired." I nod lay down and drift off to sleep.
Thanks guys for 233 views you all are the best keep the comments flowing and also thanks some of you for helping me figure out for her to date. also I'm so excited for Jace and Tessa's trip to Hawaii, and who should she invite picture of her outfit on the side. Bye loves

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