Chapter 27

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•Marcus POV•
When I wake up Tessa is holding on tight onto me. She scared me last night, She just kept screaming over and over again. I tried to wake her but she was like stuck in that horrible dream. "Good morning Beautiful." I whisper and she stirs around holding tighter to my torso. "I don't wanna get up!" She groans. I chuckle "Its okay I'm gonna get up and you can sleep" I get up and she nods, covering her head with blankets. I walk down stairs, careful not to wake anyone up, "Hey Markie, why was Tessa screaming last night?" Noah asks and I just say "She had a really bad dream." She shrugs "Oh, what are you doing up?" I laugh at her "Just making breakfast for you guys, wanna help?" she nods eagerly "Can we please make chocolate chip pancakes?!" I nod and search the cupboards for pancake mix. "Markie, are you and Tessie gonna get married?" I stop what I'm doing and say "Someday, maybe and you can be the flower girl" she jumps on the counter "yaaaa flowwweeerrr girl" she sings and dances on the counter. We laugh and I pull out the chocolate chips i open them and start to poor them in the batter "No! don't do that you save that for after the food is done!" She grabs the bag and pours them in her hand, "Now i have to make them even" I take the bag and she pouts. I pull out a pan and start on the pancakes, I also pull out another pan and start on the bacon and eggs, But I have a meet and greet today at three, so noah goes to get tessa.

Noahs POV

I run up the stairs, and into tessies room. "AHHHHHHHHHH GET UP, MARKIE MADE LUNCH, YOU POOPY PANTS!'' She jumps and gets up. "you little brat, you better run" I scream as she comes running toreds me. "Markie help me!" I run into his arms and he catchs me. "She is a morning monster, look at her hair its all crazy!" she stops and Looks at her hair threw her phone. "Awe, are you embarrassed." Markie puts me down and I pout. He grabs her face and I scream "Don't kiss the monster! You will die Markie!" I try to push him by they just laugh and he kisses her anyway. "My mommy told me if you kiss someone, they will be pregnant." Tessie screams and he laughs "Well, we should eat, I have meet and greet today" what is a 'meet and greet' I shrug and sit on markies lap. I start to feel tired, as I snuggle in his arms. "Good night angel." He whispers "I love you Markie" I close my eyes and dream.
•Calum's POV•
"Your such a cheater!" Brad yells punching me. Were playing a video game, and I'm kicking butt. "Awe, but I can't help it if you play like crap." he hits me. I pretend to be hurt, "Awe, babeI'm sorry." I hold back a laugh. Brad and I hang out a lot, but I kinda feel bad for just ditching Tessa. On Christmas Eve, I pick up my phone and call her "Hello" a guy with an accent answers, he sounds like that one YouTuber she likes "Hi, is Tessa there?" He says ya and hands the phone to her "Cal, what don't you have better things to do with a phone than call your ex-best friend" I sigh "Tessa, I'm so sorry, just please don't ruin our relationship." I beg and she finally says "Fine, but if you do this crap again were done, but I got to go bye" I say bye and turn to see a sad looking Brad."I thought you weren't in a relationship!" He screams. I roll my eyes "I am so get!" I scream. I don't even think I'm gay, I'm so Confused.
•Noah POV•
"Noah sweetie, can you come down?" My auntie says and I grab the doll mommy have to me. "Come on Kaya, Auntie wants us" I walk down stairs, "Yes?" She taps on the spot next to her, and I sit. "It's about mommy, She-" I jump up "Mommy? Is she coming back?" She nods "Only for a bit, but we're going to see her today" I run upstairs to get ready, Mommy is sick and I finally get to see her! I run to Kaya's closet and get her in her dress to match mine. I walk down the stairs with Kaya, "I'm ready can we go please!" I pout and wait for the car to start. "Finally were In the car after you took for ever, right Kaya" I laugh and Jenny buckles me up.
The drive there took FOREVER. Finally when we got to the hospital I unbuckled real quick and jumped out and dragged aunt Jenny to the lady at the counter. "Hello ma'am I'm here to see my mommy" I say in my best big girl voice. She laughs, why does everyone laugh at me. "I'm here to see Kimberly Snow." the counter lady clicks on her computer and says "Room 210" we start walking to the room. When we get there I let go of aunties hand and walk in. "Mommy, I missed you so much!" I run into her bed and hug her, her hair hasn't grown back yet, but the beeper is still going so mommy said that's good. "Hey baby,I missed you too" I laugh. She hugs me and we talk "Are you being a good girl for my sister?" I nod, Jenny is mommy'a sister. Mommys other sister went to heaven, her beeper went beeeeeep. "Good, how is Tessa?" Mom asks Jenny. They talk about how Aunt Maya and Uncle Leo went to heaven while I play with mommys fingers. Mommy said that she was tired and closed her eyes, I decide to go to sleep too. When I wake up Doctors are in all over In mommys room. I hear a Beeeeeeeep and look at mommys meteor, it's not beeping any more. "Mommy?" I poke her cheek, "Mommy, wake up your meter is not beeping anymore!" I scream, maybe she can't here me. Someone pulls me off mommy, "Put me down! I want mommy! I want my mommy!" I scream. "It's gonna be ok, mama went to heaven" I cry. Mom said if the go to heaven then you won't see them until you go to. I jump out of Jenny's arms and hug and kiss mommy one more time before she disappears. "I love you mommy"

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