Chapter 15

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Tessa POV

Our lips are locked and I stumble into the house. We fall on the couch and I start to take off his shirt. "TESSA ANN MARIE COLLINS!" My aunt screams I jump off of Evan and look at her, you can basically see smoke and fire coming out of her ears."yes aunty?" I giggle at the name, her face hardens "Your drunk and you brought this trouble maker to my house-" she pauses to think. "Your grounded for two weeks Tessa, and you" she points at Evan. "are not to be seen at this house! Understood?" She looks at Evan and I we nod. Evan basically runs out of the house, she gives me a death glare and I run up to my room. I pull out my phone 25 calls from Kim, crazy drunk people. All that screaming sobered me up, so I call Kim "What do you want Kim?" She is crying. drunk and crying. "Lu-Luke got in a fight and passed out and is at the hospital for stitches in his head, a broken rib, and I- I need you here" I am frozen Luke is hurt and in the hospital. I hang up and rush out of my room and my aunt screams for me to get back here, I grab my keys and rush out the door. I get in my car and Drive all the way to the hospital.
When I get there Kim's head is on Luke's hospital bed and He is stroking her hair. Jealousy boils up in me, I walk in "Hey Luke are you okay? sorry I took so long my aunt was yelling and I got grounded because of Evan." I ramble he puts his hand up "because of Evan?" I tell him what happened "so you couldn't make it because you got in trouble because you were making out with Evan on Jenny's couch. Did you know that when you were in the hospital I came right away and you didn't even bother calling cause you got drunk!" He yells and Kim grabs his hand "calm down babe." she says to him and I burst "BABE?! When did this happen and it's not my fault Kim was being and idiot and I know she had something to do with what happens and also-" Luke cut me off "Don't blame your problems on my Girlfriend!" I stare at him and turn on my heel and call Jace. "Hey Tessa what's up?" "Nothing wanna meet up somewhere, I'm kinda taking something in at the moment and could use your comfort" he takes a deep breath "sure wanna go to the country mart at 5:30." I say sure and get off th phone then realize it's five o'clock and I'm still in this party dress. The sun is just now risen when I get in my car drive home and get dressed in black leggings and a grey hoodie, and pull my hair up. I sneak out again this time without my aunt noticing ,when I get to the mart Starbucks has been open for thirty-five minutes."Sorry I'm late had to sneak past my aunt." I tell him when I walk in. He opens his arms for a hug and I gladly walk in to his arms and his sweet smell fills my noes. "Tessa I wanted to ask you if it was alright if I called this our first date?" He asks into my hair I nod. We walk up to the counter and order, five minutes later it's done and Jace pays. We sit at a booth near the back. "What did you want to talk about Tessa?" I look at him and start from the beginning of the argument he just nods and smiles or frowns at parts. "Okay Tessa, know that I know why your here can I ask you something" I nod "sure" he starts "Okay so I know this girl this beautiful girl and she has a problem with her best friend and new friend and she is in an argument with them and being the stubborn girls she is she refuses to talk to them so I was wondering would this it be an appropriate time to ask her to be my Girlfriend?" I think that girl is lucky so if she called him to ask for help then her should be able to ask her a question "sure it would be appropriate as long as there were no tears." he nods "Okay let me call her if you don't mind" he gets up and walk outside, pulls out his phone and dials. My phone starts to ring it's Jace "Jace your right out side, what did this lucky girl say" he laughs "I don't know yet, hey Tessa will you be my Girlfriend?" I freeze Jace is asking me to be his girlfriend. Jace is asking me to be HIS girlfriend. I hang up run outside and jump on his back and whisper "Yes." he twirls me in front of him and kisses me, a long sweet kiss.he sets me down and pulls me in for an embrace. I blush at the way he is looking at me. Jace is my Boyfriend.

Kim's POV

I still can get over the fact that Luke is my boyfriend ever since he asked me the night before my party still excites me. But Tessa over reacted Luke could have reacted that way because his best friend couldn't come to see him because she was drunk and in the middle of a make out session in her aunts living room. "A penny for your thoughts?" Luke says I laugh "just thinking about Tessa" then remember "Where is my penny Mr.?" We both laugh. The doctor said he could leave in a little bit after they got his pain meds. Luke said after the hospital we could hang out at my place, he is just so sweet instead of just going and saying his place he says mine. "Luke I'm going to be right back just thirsty want anything." he shakes his head. I leave the room and bump in to Him. "Woah Evan Tess just left you missed her." I say rolling my eyes, "I'm not here to see Tessa, you idiot" he walks into Luke's room with out another word to me.

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