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"Did he say anything?" Jace asked Alec when we walked down to the sub-cells that day. Jonathan had been locked up and restrained in a cell, hanging from chains. His mouth was covered in a gag, preventing him from speaking.

"No. Underhill's been questioning him about the Morning Star sword, but— he refuses to speak to anyone." Alec exhaled deeply and shook his head. He then looked at me. "Except Zee."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I blinked, turning for the door to the cell. "Let me in— I'll question him."

"Zee, no-" Jace grabbed my forearm immediately, stopping me. He tugged me back towards him. "If you get any closer to him, you're only gonna strengthen his power over you."

"I have an anchor, remember?" I raised an eyebrow at him, tugging on my arm against his grip lightly to urge him to let me do this. "As long as you're here, I'll be fine."

Jace let out a small sigh. He let go of my arm and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "Then right here is where I'll be."

I gave him a weak smile before turning towards the door, nodding at the Shadowhunter guarding it to let me in. He opened the door and Jonathan's eyes lit up immediately at the sight of me. I kept my expression blank as I walked in, watching as they removed his gag and let me alone in the cell with him.

I stared at him silently, full of suspicion.

"Don't worry." Jonathan broke the silence between us. "I won't bite."

"Where is the Morning Star sword, Jonathan?" I leaned back against the glass and crossed my arms over my chest.

Instead of answering my question, Jonathan smiled at me. "I missed you too."

"Jonathan." My tone became more strict. I kept my responses short and straight to the point. "Where is the sword? We know it's capable of opening a rift into Edom— is that why you want it? To release demons into our world? 'Cause the ultimate destruction?"

"It's a Morgenstern family heirloom and it belongs in the hands of its rightful owners— us." Jonathan took a glance at the glass and his smile only widened— he was having fun. "Your boyfriend is keeping an awfully close eye on you, isn't he? Do you think he feels guilty about leaving you alone at the ice rink?"

"I'm not in the mood for small talk." I narrowed my eyes at him. "If you're not going to answer my questions truthfully— I'll gladly have Alec send you straight to the Gard without question. Being best friends with the Head of the Institute has its perks, doesn't it?"

"Fine— I'll tell you everything you want to know." Jonathan hung his head back. "If you just stay here a little longer."

I stood still. "I'm listening."

"I didn't even know you existed, Zee, 'til not so long ago." Jonathan lifted his head to look at me better. "I'd been in Edom for what felt like an eternity— and one night, a Manibus demon was banished to Edom. It didn't make sense— Manibus demons never were banished to Edom but Lilith told me it was because of a Shadowhunter wielding angelic light. She told me about you- and Clary, she said you two were our father's other experiments."

I stared at him, completely silent.

"That was the first time I ever heard your name— Zee Morgenstern." Jonathan looked at me with delight. "It was like music to my ears and I felt something that I had never felt before— hope."

"What the hell does your upbringing have to do with the sword?" I pushed myself off the glass. "I don't want to hear this— it has nothing to do with the sword."

"Of course it does! That moment changed everything for me." Jonathan argued back. "I realized that you were the only person that I needed— I felt it. Finally, I had someone to fight by my side. Not against me, not in spite of me, but— with me. Everything I do, I do for you. I want the Morning Star sword for you. For us."

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