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"Jace, I didn't think you might it quite literally when you said you wouldn't be letting me out of your sight." I looked at him from my bed, holding a pencil in my hand, my sketch book resting on my lap.

"I did mean it quite literally." Jace shoves some cold spaghetti into my mouth, having watch me draw for a while now.

"You've been watching me for- so long now-" I turned onto my stomach, looking at him, "Don't you think you need a break?"

Jace stares at me for a few moments, before looking down at his container of spaghetti, "I could watch you for hours."

I stare at him for a few seconds, swallowing hard and sitting up on my bed, "Don't you get tired?"

"I'm all rested up." Jace shut the container when he was done with it and set it to the side, "What do you wanna do now?"

"Kick you out of my room?" I hugged myself lightly, watching him, "Who knows what we could do with all this alone time on our hands-"

Jace chuckled lightly at my joke and looked down at his hands, "A number of things-"

I softly smiled at things being slightly less awkward between us. I could feel the tension, but it was okay.

My eyes scanned his facial structure, before I felt a deep burning on my hand, a gasp leaving my lips, looking down at my palm, unintentionally calling out, "Jace-"

"What's wrong?-" Jace got up quickly and rushed over to me, holding my hand gently, "Are you okay? What the hell is this-"

"I don't- god, I don't know-" I breathed heavy, holding my wrist and letting out another cry in pain.


"La Chair Brulee." Magnus said after he had used his magic to take the pain out my burning hand, going right into explaining, "It means the burnt flesh- it's an old blood oath spell."

"Then it must be Iris." Jace was still holding my burnt hand over his, "She said you owed her a favor."

I looked at him, swallowing hard, "At Max's party, she said I have to find Madzie-"

"Then we better start looking." Magnus exhales deeply, "I can get rid of the pain, but that's about it."

Magnus then looks at me, trailing off, "I'm afraid once the magic reaches your heart-"

"So- what you're saying is, if I don't find Madzie- I'm gonna end up dead." I blinked, "Damn- didn't think I'd go that easy-"

"No- no." Jace stood up, not taking it lightly, "Magnus, there has to be a cure- there has to be something we can do to stop this."

"Can't we force Iris to undo it?" Alec questioned.

"I wish it were that easy." Magnus huffed, "But- blood oath spells are completely binding- even Iris herself can't reverse it now."


"Are you okay?" Alec questioned me over the phone as I stood to the side at the Jade Wolf, away from Jace and Luke, "Are you getting any rushes- because of the blood oath? You're okay, right?-"

"I'm fine, Alec-" I replied in a hush tone, "I haven't been getting any rushes- but, Jace won't leave me alone- he'll find out if I do have one-"

"Zee, maybe it's about time we tell everyone? Your blood- you can't activate the Soul Sword, so Valentine might use Clary instead- we need everyone on this-" Alec tried to persuade.

"Valentine doesn't make any sense- he was the one who injected me with demon blood and he still wants me unharmed- I don't understand his plan-" I huffed lightly and facepalmed, "Look, you promised me that you wouldn't tell anyone-"

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