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"Zee, we can't panic." Jace tried to calm me as I paced back and forth, my arms crossed, "It's gonna be fine-"

"Jace, stop it-" I quickly said, continuing to pace, "We both know him, Valentine is capable of- anything- he's going to use Simon as bait to bring me back to the Institute to activate his damn sword-"

"Hey- all the prisoners are either dead or gone." Luke joined us, "No sign of Cleophas."

I stopped, staring at him, slight panic striking on my features, making Jace immediately pull me into his chest and hold me tight, "Hey, it's gonna be okay."

My heart jumped at the movement as much as I resented myself for it, slowly hugging his middle, relaxing in his touch.

That was until my phone began to ring in my back pocket, making me slowly pulled away and look at the caller id, it being from Simon.

Luke looks at me, "Answer it, Zee-"

I sigh through my nose and accept the call, Simon aggressively pulling on his restraints, his mouth taped shut, Valentine crouching in front of the screen, "Hello, Zee- wish we were chatting under more civilized circumstances, but I'm afraid I've run out of options."

"I'm warning you, now-" I began, "Let Simon go."

"Absolutely." Valentine nodded once, "Just as soon as you come back to the Institute- I need you to activate the sword for me."

I scoff, "Like hell will I do that-"

"Oh, but I think you will." Valentine shot back at me, "Because if you don't show up within the hour- your vampire boyfriend here is gonna die a death I wouldn't wish upon anyone."

When the phone call ends, I'm already walking past Jace, Luke grabbing me and stopping me, "Stop- this is what Valentine wants- you know that if you touch that sword, he can destroy the entire Downworld, including Simon."

"And if I don't show up, he's going to kill him." I pulled myself from his grasp, "Simon doesn't deserve this-"

"Alec's not picking up." Jace joined us, shoving his phone in his back pocket, "Let's move-0

My jaw was clenched, beginning to walk away once again, "Valentine is gonna wish he never laid a hand on Simon, I'll make sure of it-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Luke stopped me again, "You're not going anywhere near that Institute- we're taking you to Magnus, he can protect you!"

I pulled from his hold again, "Are you kidding me? I don't need to be protected, I can handle myself just fine- but Simon? He can't. I need to save Simon-"

"The Downworld knows that you're the key to activating that sword." Luke shot at me, "They want you dead-"

Jace grabs my arm, "I can save Simon."

"Doesn't work that way." I snip, "If I'm not the one who shows up, Valentine is gonna kill him-"

"Wait-" A weak voice came from a few feet away, making us all jog towards the sound, revealing Dot, "There's another way to destroy the sword."


"There you go." Magnus treated Dot, "You'll start feeling better in no time-"

Dot breathed out, "Thank you."

"Alright." I cross my arms, "Now that you're well nurtured- tell us everything you know."

"I heard Valentine briefing his men." Dot explained, "If Jace touches the sword, his grip would destroy it."

Jace interrupts, "Me?"

"Why should we believe a word she says?" Luke questions, "It's probably just another trap."

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