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"Shadowhunters died in your assault on this institute, along with hundreds of Downworlders that you massacred with the Soul Sword." Inquisitor Herondale said to Valentine as Jace and I stood outside the cell he was in, "Justice will be served."

Valentine screamed when she activated his agony rune, before leaving him alone in the cell.

I speak the moment she walks over to us, "How long can you keep torturing him?-"

She replied, "As long as it takes."

"If you want the truth, why not just use the soul sword?" Jace questioned, crossing his arms.

Inquisitor Herondale looked at him, "You're telling me how to do my job?"

"No, but- you said you retrieved the sword right after the attack." Jace mentioned, "I just don't understand why you wouldn't-"

"The rune your sister drew to deactivate the sword ended up damaging it in the process." Inquisitor Herondale mentioned Clary, "It's been sent to the Iron Sisters to be purified."

She then stood in front of us both and looked between us, "You're Valentine's children- tell me what you know."

"Nothing." I blinked and crossed my arms, "I mean- we fought him- Jace brought him in."

"At what cost?" She questions, "By taking matters into your own hands, you've planted the seeds of rebellion in the Downworld- the Accords will be near impossible to maintain now."

She then headed towards the elevator, "Fall in line, or you'll end up like Aldertree and Idris facing reprimand."


"What's this sand on the floor?" Alec thought out loud as him, Luke, Jace, Clary and I were at a demon attack scene.

Clary stares, "This looks like a demon attack."

"I've never seen a demon cause this kind of hemorrhaging." Jace told us.

I looked up, "Is there any security footage?"

"Nothing in the bar." Luke shook his head, "Maybe CCTV caught something outside on the street."

Alec stood up, "We should get them back to the Institute-"

Luke nods, "Yeah, that's a good idea-"

"Detective Garroway?" A woman came up to us, but could only see Luke due to us being glamoured, "Who are you talking to?"

"Just dictating some notes while they're still fresh." Luke held up his phone, "Something you should start doing."

"That's a great idea!" She chirped, "They didn't mention it in training, but it makes perfect sense- is there some special app for that?"

"Uh- can you pull the car up?" Luke doesn't reply to her question, "I'll meet you out front."

She simply nods and leaves us, my head snapping towards Luke, "She seems- nice."

Jace looked at him as well, "New partner?"

Luke groans lightly, "She's driving me crazy."


"Luke took care of it." I told Jace as I walked with him through the Ops Center, "He made it look like a tragic gas leak."

Jace held his tablet, "According to the autopsy, the victims died of massive brain hemorrhaging."

"A demon can do that?" I purposefully asked.

Jace corrects me, "A Greater Demon can-"

"Remind me again- what's exactly is the difference?" I asked purposefully once more, watching him as we came to a stop at a table.

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