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"Zee, come on- I was there when Sebastian called you out on everything." Alec stood in front of me as we stood in the Ops Center, "That's why you won't take a chance on Jace?"

"Huh- what?" I pretended like I was clueless.

Alec knew this, "Don't do it."

I scratched the top of my head purposefully, "Sorry, I really don't know what you're talking about-"

Alec's eyes slowly squint, "Zee."

I continued the act anyway, "I'm sorry- if I could recall- I'd discuss it with you-"

"Shadowhunter down." Jace's voice filled my ears, making me cut myself off and turn, seeing him and Clary walking towards Alec and I.

"Milo Keytower." Clary identified.

I face him, "What happened?"

"From what I understand, his runes were carved out." Inquisitor Herondale joined, "Is that true, Jace? "

"Yes." Jace nodded towards her when she asked, "After he was attacked by a wolf."

Clary adds, "He had multiple bite and claw marks."

"What kind of werewolf randomly attacks a Shadowhunter?" I questioned.

"One who's trying to send a message." said Alec.

Inquisitor Herondale nodded and added in, "And get the attention of the Clave."

I exhale, "Alright, well- we need to find them before this happens again."

Inquisitor Herondale interjects, "Well, I think I have a pretty good idea who it is."


"What happened?" Jace asked when Lindsay and I walked toward him and Alec, that alarms blaring and flashing red.

"We found Rosegreen and Penmount dead in the Bowery." I told him, messing with my glove, "Runes carved out-"

Lindsay adds in, "Just like Keytower."

"Except Penmount's been drained by a vampire." Alec noticed, his eyes glued to the body.

Jace points out as well, "And Rosegreen was lanced by a Seelie Knight."

"It's not just a lone wolf." I looked between them, "It's multiple Downworlders."

"Luke was right all along- the Downworlders want revenge." Jace realized, "This could be the start of an uprising."


"Another Shadowhunter was found Dead last night in Williamsburg- this time, murdered this time murdered by a warlock." Inquisitor Herondale announces, "In this time of crisis, it is essential that we maintain strong leadership- that is why I am naming, Jace Herondale, Head of the Institute, effective upon my departure to Idris."

"Dismissed." She dismissed, as Jace immediately walked toward us after she did.

Jace began, "Let's not make a big deal about this- she's still in charge until she leaves."

"Look at you, Mr. Institute-" I cross my arms, "Don't let the royalty get to your head-"

"I won't-" Jace looked at me, his eyes lingering with mine, "Although- there is a girl I'm trying to impress-"

I roll my eyes, not picking up what he was implying, "Yeah, 'cause anyone would be into cocky bastards that flaunt their family's name-"

"So- Herondales are what, like the Kennedys of the Shadow World?" Clary asked as we surrounded the table.

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