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"I've requested that we move Valentine to the Gard in Idris." Alec told Isabelle, Jace, Sebastian and I, "The Clave has approved the transfer."

Jace questions, stealing glances at me every now and then, "You told them about the assassination attempt?"

"No-" Alec lightly shook his head, "I explained to them that moving Valentine out of the city is the best way to restore relations with the Downworld- I left Luke out of it."

"Well, I support you." I nodded once, not glancing at Jace, "It's the right decision."

Alec gave me a calming look, then nods, "But- we have not given up on finding who orchestrated the hit on Valentine."

"I actually have a few leads on that." Sebastian said before walking away, "I'll get a report in by end of day."

"Could I lead the transfer mission?" I asked Alec, looking at him, "I could use something to put my mind to."

Alec nods, "If that's what you want, okay- Jace and Izzy- you will assist her on the transfer mission."

"We need to remove Valentine's Circle Rune." Isabelle mentioned, "The new wards in Idris won't let him pass with it on-"

"Zee- Jace, do you want the honors?" Isabelle looked between us, "You two more than anyone should get the right to do so-"

Jace softly smirks, "Thought you'd never ask."

"I- yeah, sure- I'll be down soon." I nodded lightly, avoiding eye contact with Jace, before looking at Alec, "You okay?"

"Tell me that I'm making the right call." Alec confided in me, "'Cause between you and me, I'm just not sure I'm good at this."

"What? Stop-" I lightly hit his arm, "What're you talking about? You were born for this job."

"If you're having doubts- just, think about it like archery- trust yourself." I patted his back, "And beyond that, just cross your fingers."


"Is that tight enough?" Jace tightened Valentine's restraints, "That's better."

"Go ahead." Valentine looked between Jace and I, as I held the device in my hand, "It's not gonna stop me."

"It's not some rune that makes us who we are- it's our blood." Valentine seethed through his teeth, "And yours, my children, is exceptional."

"He's not your kid." I looked at him, my expression blank, "I thought we already went over that."

"Our blood's only different because you experimented on us." Jace looked slightly upset, "On my mother. Why- why her?"

"Sweet Celine." Valentine thought our loud, "She wanted a child so desperately- when she and Stephen learned that she was pregnant again, with you, she was terrified that she was gonna lose her baby, so- she came to me, asking for help."

I scoff lightly, shaking my head, "And I'm sure you were so happy to oblige."

"The injections I gave your mother, laced with Ithuriel's pure angel blood made you strong." Valentine looked from me to Jace, "After her tragic death, after I pulled you from her womb, barely alive, I raised you to use that blood. I taught you-"

"You taught me not to feel." Jace stepped closer to him, "You taught me that to love is to destroy, and to be loved is to be the one destroyed-"

Valentine scoffed at his words, looking between us, "And you've proven how right I've been all along."

"Look at you." Valentine confronted Jace right then and there, "Your love for Zee, it will be your downfall."

Jace raised his voice, standing directly by him now, "Don't you dare bring her into this!"

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