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"Luke, I've been through all the Institute archives, and there's no record of a greater demon that matches this one." I set down the sketch I had drawn of the demon I saw, "I don't know what else to do."

"Ithuriel said the Owl has a master." I continued, sitting down on my bed, "This has to be who it is-and, if it's powerful enough to kill an angel- who knows what else they're capable of?"

"I have to let everyone know-" I began to say.

"You do that, and it unravels everything about Raziel and the wish." Luke cut me off, "That's a one way ticket to the Gard-"

"That doesn't matter." I snap back at him, "I don't care if the Clave locks me up, Luke."

"Well, I do-" Luke shot back, "And what about Jace?"

I huff, "What about him?"

"He carried that same lie." Luke reminded me, making me sigh, lHe'll be in trouble just like you-"

I groan just lightly, "And the last thing he needs is for his treatment to be interrupted-"


"I'm finally back to myself." Jace's voice made me stop in my tracks, my head snapping towards the sound, seeing him stood in the Ops Center with Alec, Isabelle and Clary, "Whatever the Silent Brothers did, it was a success."

Clary asks, "So- you're finally cleared for duty?"

"Yes, I am." Jace nodded toward her.

"Jace!" I rushed over to my boyfriend and threw my arms around him, "Hi- you're okay-"

Jace barely hugged me back, letting go of me within seconds, making slight hurt to rope into my expression, "I'm fine-"

"I'm- glad you're alright." I tried to shake it off, swallowing hard as I noticed he and I had been left alone, as our friends had stepped to the side, "I've been worried about you-"

"That's nice of you- but, I'm doing fine now-" Jace shortly said to me, his expression giving me a weird vibe.

I grabbed his hand slowly and pulled him into the hall with me so I could tell him about what happened with Ithuriel, "Uhm- I need to talk to you-"

"Me first-" Jace cut me off, pointing at me, "I don't think we should see each other anymore."

"I-" His words made me have to do a double take to hear him correctly, "What?"

"I've been doing a lot of thinking, and- I really don't see why I liked you in the first place." His words were like knives to my heart, "I'm bored-"

"Bored?" I stammer, "You're- bored?"

"You kept me entertained for as long as you could, and you know what- I give you props for that." Jace put a hand on my shoulder, "But, I think we're better off friends."

"Jace- what?" I couldn't help the tears burning in my eyes, "You were the one chasing after me-"

"And that's what made you so interesting- because of the whole hard to get game you played- but, now? I don't find much interest in you." Jace gave me a flat smile, "Sorry-"

I stared at him, a tear falling from my eye, as he walked away from me without another word.

What the hell just happened?

Alec noticed me crying, walking toward me, "Hey- are you alright? What happened?"

"Jace, he just-" I pointed, but then shook my head, walking away from Alec, trying to hold back more tears from falling.

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