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"Dad?" Jace's voice was weak, staring at the man that was his father.

"Son." He slowly got up, throwing his arms around his son instantly, "Oh, Jace- I can't believe it."

"Son, you're hurt." He noticed the sting, "How did you find me?-"

"You're dead." Jace's eyes were wide with shock, his voice was low and weak, shaking at an extent, "Valentine killed you. Valentine's here-"

"No, Jace. It's me." He looks at me, "I'm Michael Wayland. I'm Jace's father."

"Yeah, I kind of figured that one out." My voice was quiet but I still held guard, suspicion clouding my judgment.

"Look, I know what Jace told you, but I've been here for ten years. Valentine took off and left me-" Michael explained, noticing the look on my face.

"What about Jocelyn Fairchild?" I question.

"He took her with him." Michael told me, "You are?"

I exhale deeply and let my guard down, "Zee Young."

"Zee Young." Michael repeated, his expression changing like he had known me.

Before I could reply, Jace began to fall, Michael catching him, "Jace, no!"

"It's Ravener venom." I held Jace's face with one hand, caressing his cheek, "Damn it- it's affecting him quicker-"

"We have to find your father, not my father-" Jace breathes heavily, looking at me with droopy eyes, "Valentine's-"

"Jace- it's okay," I ignored how he wanted to find Valentine, only worried about him, as I ran a hand through his hair, "It'll be okay-"

"His stele." Michael held him up, "Where is it?"

Michael dug through Jace's pockets, pulling out the card that held the Mortal Cup in it.

I snatch it instantly, shoving it into my pocket, "Back pocket-"

Michael grabs the stele, running it over Jace's Iratze, "The rune is weak-"

"Ravener venom must be spreading." I breathed heavily in panic, "We have to get him help- but, we closed the Portal-"

"Valentine's got a standing Portal." Michael pulled Jace up, "Let's go-"

I nod towards him, letting Jace wrap an arm around me for support, holding him up as best I could.

"Hey, Jace, stay with me." Michael said, "Do you remember our first demon fight? We were way out past the Institute, way up at Kinshasa. You were only eight, but you were so brave. Do you remember what you said?"

Jace's voice came out as a broken whisper as he called the memory, "I'm ready to die."

"And then I said, "Sometimes it's as brave to live as it is to die." Do you remember?" Michael asked him.

"I do." Jace breathes heavily, "It's true. It's you."

"Let's go." Michael leads, as we made our way to the portal.


"Luke!" I cried out when we stumbled into the Jade Wolf, "We need help!"

Luke and Simon were already up, Simon shying away front the sunlight that shone in, "Zee, what happened?"

"We thought we found Valentine, but he was already gone when we got there." I exhale deeply, setting down Jace in a booth, Michael next to him.

Luke stares at Jace's father, "Michael Wayland?"

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