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"Where is he?" I immediately ask Raphael as Jace, Clary and I ran around the corner, to see no Simon.

Raphael dusts off his jacket, "He'll be back."

"You just let him go?" Jace skid to a stop as I almost ran into him, "You said you'd look after him."

Raphael shook his head, "I can't do that until he's ready."

Clary cries out in worry, "What does that even mean?"

"It means he's where everybody goes when this happens." Raphael shot back at her, "His own personal hell."

"I- I did this." Clary inhales deeply in guilt, "I put him there."

"If it helps, he doesn't even remember it was you." Raphael mentions, "Those first minutes a complete blank."

Clary's face twists in horror, "But- I have to tell him the truth."

"Once you rein him in, he'll be walking, talking proof to the Clave that Camille broke the Accords." Raphael said, "In fact, as a new leader-"

"Okay, just stop it! I don't care about your vampire politics!" Clary cuts him off, "We have to find Simon- he's out there, he's alone scared he's hungry."

"Give me a call when he turns up." Raphael said before leaving us, "He'll need my help."

Jace remarks as he left, "I think we've had just about enough of your help."

When Jace pulls out his phone, my face twists in confusion, "What are you doing?"

"Getting reinforcements." Jace dials the number, speaking when the person answered, "Alec, I need you."

"It's Izzy- we need you." Her familiar feminine voice filled the line, "There's been an attack at the Institute."

"An attack?" I interject, as Jace put his phone on speaker and between us.

Isabelle sighs, "Valentine created a Forsaken that went through the wards."

"That's not possible, Izzy." Jace denied, "Nothing can get through the wards- they're warlock spells to defend against all Downworlders."

"Not this one." Isabelle said, "It had Seelie blood with angel properties- it went after Hodge and Alec."

"What? Are they okay?" I instantly ask, "Is Alec-"

"They're banged up, but they'll live." Isabelle exhales deeply, "Hodge killed it- It was after the-"

"The Cup." Clary finishes her sentence, scoffing.

"Izzy, Zee and I will be there as soon as we can." Jace hung up the phone and nods toward me as I turn to run.

"Wait!" Clary grabs my arm, "I can't go- Simon's in danger-"

"What about Alec?" I argued.

"I know- but, I can't- okay? I need to find Simon." Clary stared at me with pleading eyes.

I shook my head, "It's dangerous."

"I can handle myself." Clary shot back.

I scoff, "Do I need to bring up the amount of times that I've saved your life in what- the past week?"

"Zee- I really need to find Simon." Clary said, "Please."

I sigh deeply, "Werewolves are great trackers- maybe Luke could help you track him down."

"Thank you-" Clary unexpectedly hugged me, as I slowly hugged her back and let go, nodding toward her and running off with Jace.

Jace slowed down a few blocks later, breathing heavily, "Looked like you were weirded out when she hugged you-"

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