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My eyes were glued to the book in my hands, reading and rereading every word on the page I was on, my back leant against my headboard as I sat in my room in silence.

I thought I was alone, until I looked up at noticed Jace standing in the door frame, watching me from afar, "Hey there, stalker-"

Jace softly smiles, walking into my room, as I bookmark where I was, sitting up, "How long have you been standing there?"

"Not long." Jace stopped in front of my bed, the smile not leaving his lips, "I actually wanted to talk to you- but, you looked really into that book-"

"Well, I'm at the part where they're screwing-" I shut the book and handed it to him, "Maybe if you read it, you'd gain some tips-"

"Oh, really?" Jace looks at me with amused eyes, the smile on his lips widening, "I think I'm pretty good in bed, don't you think?"

I purse my lips to hold back laughter, "If I thought that, I wouldn't be telling you to gain some tips from the protagonist-"

"Well then," Jace set my book on the nightstand, backing me into the wall, putting a hand on my waist, and the other on the wall, next to my head, "Let me refresh your memory-"

"Jace, stop-" I playfully pushed his face to the side with a small giggle, "What did you want to talk to me about?"

Jace doesn't move from his position, rather just looks me in the eyes, "I want to apologize."

"I don't recall you pissing me off-" I began to say.

"For never taking you anywhere that didn't involve seraph blades." Jace puts a strand of my hair behind my ear, "That's why I'm sorry."

"That's kind of our thing, don't you think?" I placed my hands on his chest, "It's our normal."

"Well, what do you say we do something completely not normal for us?" Jace suggests, "I know- I've been preoccupied lately- and I'd like to make it up to you."

"Well, don't look at me-" I blinked, "I have no ideas-"

"What would you say to dinner?" Jace thought, "Tonight, someplace mundane- just the two of us."

I tilt my head. "Like a date?"

"Yes, Zee." Jace wouldn't help but laugh lightly, "Yeah- if you wanna call it that, a date."

I nodded only once, "Where?"

"Uh- it's a surprise." Jace gave me a small smile, before pressing my lips into mine for a few seconds, "Dress nice-"


"Hey-" I walked over to Luke after catching him walking into the Institute, "How's Ollie?"

"She's fine-" Luke stopped when he saw me, "She got a little banged up, but- she'll be all right."

I nodded slow, "That's good-"

Luke gestured to me, implying what I was wearing for my date with Jace, "Is there a special occasion I don't know about?-"

"Well- no," I rubbed the back of my neck, "I'm actually- grabbing dinner with Jace."

Luke smiles lightly, "Dinner?-"

"God, is it too much?" I gestured to myself, implying my entire appearance, "Too little?-"

"Don't stress it-" Luke softly laughs at me, lightly shaking his head, "You look great, kiddo-"

I softly smiled back, then point at the file in his hands, "You being here have something to do with that?"

"Yeah-" Luke held it up, "I'm just running this case by whoever's on duty-"

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