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"Hey!" Raj yelled when I stormed into the Institute, barefoot, soaked and covered in scratches, "Hey, no- you can't go in there-"

I smacked his hand when he went to grab me and stop me, "Where's Izzy?"

Raj sighs, walking away, "I'm getting Aldertree-"

"Yeah, go!" I shouted after him, my bloody feet leaving a trail of footprints on the ground, "See if I care!"

My mother was following me now suddenly, along with Jocelyn and Clary, "Zee, are you okay?"

"The hell?" I glanced back at them and kept walking, "Do you three just travel around in a pack?-"

"Zee- what happened?" Jocelyn was reaching for me.

"Don't touch me-" I pulled my wrist away before she could grab me, standing in the middle of the Ops Center, "Alright- either you bring Izzy to me, or I roam around screaming her name until she shows up."

Clary was concerned as well, "Zee, where did you go?"

"What happened?" Jocelyn stood in front of me, "Where have you been?"

Aldertree was suddenly behind me, making me spin, "We're all curious."

"Bring a change of clothes and a hot cup of tea to my office." Aldertree instructed to Raj, "Zee and I are gonna have a little chat."

I pointed at Raj right before he moved, "You go through any of my drawers like you did when you helped searched my room, I swear to god, I'll kick your ass-"

Raj puts his hands up in surrender and rolls his eyes, walking away from us.

I looked between everyone, "Someone take me to Isabelle- now, I need to see her."

"She's with Alec, Zee." Margaret inhales and then suddenly, the three women went silent.

I looked between them, "What?"

They were silent.

"Will someone tell me what the hell happened while I was gone?" I began raising my voice in anger.

"He was trying to help us find you, and something went wrong." Jocelyn finally spoke up, looking down, "He's in a bad way."


"It appears you've had quite the harrowing experience." Aldertree handed me a cup of tea after I had showered and changed, sitting down in his chair, "Jocelyn tells me you were abducted by Dorothea Rollins, a warlock under Valentine's control."

I stare at the cup of tea in my hands, inhaling deeply, "That's what happened."

"Did she portal you to a tanker ship in the East River?" Aldertree asked me.

I inhaled.

I looked at him, responding dryly, "I'm not sure."

"Three hours ago, a large tanker ship was found there, recently abandoned." Aldertree sat up, "By the mottoes and the insignia on the boat, it's clear the Circle was on board."

I set the tea down and folded my hands together, "Well- that's definitely intriguing."

Aldertree mimicked my position and stared at me, "If you have any information about Valentine, about Jace you need to tell me."

"Look- the last thing I remember is Dot grabbing me off the street, and then I woke up in the water." I lied right to his face, "I was nearly run over by the Staten Island Ferry, and then I swam to shore and came here."

"If you're trying to protect your brother, lying to me is only gonna make it worse." Aldertree stares at me, "I can guarantee Jace's safety if you help me bring him in- and that's on record."

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