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"Anything new?-" Isabelle walks over to us in the Ops Center, looking between us all, standing by the table.

I lightly shake my head, "We tried tracking him together, like we did with Jonathan, but- it didn't work."

"Magnus's wards are up, Valentine must still be in the city." Jace was right next to me.

Isabelle exhales slow, "Thank the Angel for Magnus and the warlocks."

Alec remarks, "They didn't raise the wards for us."

"Teams are out doing block by block sweeps throughout the city-" Jace said, "We'll find him."

When they trailed off into their own conversations, Jace placed a hand on my back, "Hey- you okay?"

I looked at him, my voice quiet, "I guess I'm okay- I mean, we got rid of Jonathan- right?"

"I get it." I didn't even need to admit it to Jace, as he could see right through me, "He was family."

"Aerial sensors-" Alec said when the alarms started to blare loudly, making us all head to the monitor.

Clary questions, "Is it Valentine?"

"No." Isabelle replies as we started to gear up, "Could be some kind of wraith demon-"


"Where is it?-" I asked when Alec, Isabelle, Jace, Clary and I ran through the streets of New York, skidding to a stop in the middle of an intersection.

Alec had his bow, "It should be right on top of us-"

"Alec!-" Jace shouts when he spotted the demon, making us all immediately huddle together and look around.

Isabelle caught eye on it, "I've never seen a demon like that-"

"On your six!-" I pointed out when I saw the demon, but the more it came around, the quicker it hid.

Isabelle looks around, "Can you see it?-"

"What the hell is it waiting for?" asked Clary.

Alec aimed, "It's coming around for another pass-"

"Alec!" I called out for him when the demon started to come for us head on out of no where, making us all face it almost immediately.

"Relax-" Alec says, "I got this."

When Alec shot at the demon, killing it, pieces of it falling to the ground, Isabelle exhales, "Nice-"

Catching us off guard, those pieces got up and turned into little demons, running off all around New York, making Clary gasp, "They're splitting up!"


"At least four demons are still unaccounted for." Alec said when we followed him through the streets, "Notify all available personnel."

"What's wrong?-" I noticed the look on Clary's face when she hung up the phone, "Everything okay?"

"That was Luke." Clary sighs, "Valentine's on his way to Idris."

Alec's eyes widen, "What?-"

"How?" Isabelle questions.

"He made a deal with the Seelie Queen." Clary said, "Luke's warned all the other Downworld leaders."

Jace huffs, "Damn Valentine-"

"If Valentine gets to that lake-" Isabelle starts.

"He won't." Alec shook his head, "Malachi's army is armed and waiting for him."

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