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"Jace, I'm not drawing you." My finger glided against the sketch paper in my sketch book as I blended charcoal in, seated on a table in the Ops Center.

I was dressed in a white v neck, tucked into black jeans, black combat boots and having on a beige leather jacket.

"Well, we've kissed." Jace wraps an arm around me, looking over my shoulder, "You've got a whole book without any drawings of me in it? Where are the romantic novels?"

"We've kissed once." I emphasized and placed my sketch book to the side, "Don't get ahead of yourself."

"Alec, what are you doing?" Jace walks over to him where his back was turned to us, "You can stare at this monitor all you want, they need angel blood to get past the wards."

"Yeah." I swung my feet lightly, "No Downworlder can come into the Institute."

"Not without an invite by a Shadowhunter." Isabelle and Clary join our conversation, as Clary held the card the Mortal Cup was in.

"Last I checked, Valentine is a Shadowhunter." Alec faces us, "The Cup is not safe here, we have to give it back to the Clave."

"Give it back to the Clave?" Clary handed me the card, "No, not after everything we went through to get it."

"My brother is right." Isabelle sides with Alec, "The Cup is extremely important."

Alec looked almost baffled, "Are you agreeing with me?"

Isabelle shrugs, "I'm full of surprises."

Clary exhales deeply, "This Cup is the one chance I have at getting my mom back."

"I don't think we should hand over the Cup just yet, we need it." I held the card, "Soon- just, not yet."

"I agree with Zee, we can't give the Cup to the Clave, not now." Jace sides with me, "It's our only bargaining chip."

"Look, Alec- I know how powerful this Cup is." I put my hair behind my ears, "It's capable of a lot, but, trust me on this. I promise you, I will not let Valentine acquire it."

"There you go." Jace gestured to me, "You have her word."

Alec held his palm out with a sigh, as I smiled, handing him the Cup, knowing that he would put it in the safe on the training room floor.


"What do you think?" I asked Jace, my back against his arm as I showed him my newest drawing, holding a piece of charcoal in my hand.

Jace looks from his tablet and over my shoulder, his hair tickling the side of my face, "Average."

"Average?" I looked at him, baffled.

"If it was me, it'd be outstanding, handsome, gorgeous-" Jace began to list off, as I hit his arm, earning a small laugh from him.

Suddenly the alarm was blaring loudly, Alec looking at the monitor, "What the-"

I got up, looking at the screen, "There's something outside the perimeter."

Alec began, "I told you-"

"Alec." I stop him.

Clary walks over, "What's happening?"

"Looks like someone's trying to break in." Isabelle joins us as we began walking towards the door.

Jace grabbed his seraph blade, "Could be the Circle."

Alec looks at me, "Told you so."

"Too soon, Alec!" I pulled my kindjals out as we ran out to the front, inching closer to the man who had his back to us.

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