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"Hey, are you alright?" Alec came to my side when I was walking through the Institute, a hard look on my face as I fixed the sleeve of my leather jacket after Isabelle had texted us to meet her.

"I'm fine." I muttered, trying not to think about the demon blood running through my veins, "Why?"

"You haven't been yourself." Alec's expression scanned my face as I walked faster, clueless to what had happened at the Citadel, as I had made Clary and Isabelle swear not to speak of it, "You seem off-"

"I'm fine, Alec- drop it-" I dropped my arms to my sides, "Any idea what the alert was about?"

"Heard a big storm's moving in." Alec huffed lightly at me shutting him out, "Always increases demon activity."

I glance, "And Jace is-"

"Not here." Alec cut me off.

"He's shut me out." I mumbled quietly, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear, "You're the closest thing I have to knowing if he's alright- I don't understand what's going on."

"Me neither." Alec sighs, then walks over to Isabelle with me, "What did we miss?"

"Let's see." Isabelle glided her finger over the screen, "The Citadel was breached, Magdalena is dead, Cleophas is missing."

"Oh, my God." Clary joined us, "Valentine?"

"Who else could it be?" I glanced at her.

"Aldertree's heading to Idris to meet with the Council." Isabelle looked between us all.

I barely glanced at them, then walked away quickly, "I'll go check with ops-"


"So, you met Cleophas?" Luke questioned as I walked next to him towards the Jade Wolf.

"Yeah, we met at the Citadel." I was blunt and short, "She's missing- thought talking to you would get us a lead."

I stared at the ground as we walked, "We think something bad could've happened- I don't know what, but Cleophas could be hurt- she could need help."

"Hold it, hold it." Luke stopped me and looked down at me, "Zee, listen to me, Cleo may not be the victim here- she could be working with Valentine."

"That's an interesting idea, what makes you think that?" I remark, looking up at him, crossing my arms, "She looked so dedicated to the Iron Sisters."

Luke shook his head, exposing her, "When the Circle disbanded, she had to be."

I stare at him, "She was a member of the Circle?"

"And she worshipped Valentine, followed him around like a little puppy." Luke continued, "When I finally figured out what Valentine was up to I'd lost my sister for good."

"Well-" I nod once, "We'll get her back-"

"I don't know." Luke sighed, "It might be too late."

"I lost just my mother." My expression hardened, staring at him, "You're not going to lose your sister- not on my watch."


"Told you, Zee." Luke said to me as I stood with him and Alaric in the Jade Wolf, "I've used all the department's resources- there's no sign of her."

"Well, we're figure something else out-" I began to say, but my head snaps toward the door opening and shaky breathing.

In stumbled a bleeding Cleophas, "Luke-"

"Hey, hey, hey-" I rushed over quick and caught her when she fell back, looking up toward Luke.

"Lucian-" Cleophas mustered out within her heavy breaths, "Help me-"

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