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"No- no, no!" I was trembling in my sleep, stuck in a nightmare of myself being back at Lake Lyn, but this time drowning, a shriek leaving my lips.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Jace's voice pulled me out of me, his hands jerking my body awake, "It's okay- wake up- it was just a bad dream."

"Jace-" I felt immediate relief wash over me when I saw him, breathing out slowly, noticing him shirtless, his hair a mess, my room dark, "Hi-"

"Hey-" Jace shot me a small look in amusement, "I, uh, heard you screaming- are you all right?"

"Yeah." I slowly sat up, rubbing the back of my neck, "I- uh, I was back at Lake Lyn- and underwater, and drowning-"

I sigh quietly, "I don't know- ever since we got back- everything that happened back at the lake, I- I can't get it out of my head."

Jace remarks, sitting down on my back, "It's not exactly top on my vacation list, either."

"My brother's alive." I breathe out lightly, looking down at my hands, "And- I mean- he's my actual- full sibling- and someone out there, he exists- and I never knew."

"I know." Jace inhales, "It's a lot to process."

I huff, "He was a child-"

"With demon blood." Jace reminds me, staring at me, "Don't forget that."

"And no one but Valentine to teach him the difference between right and wrong." I reminded him, "If he's out there, I want to find him- I want him to know that he has someone."

Jace nods lightly, "We will."

"We haven't had any leads-" I rubbed the back of my neck, then my eyes widen a little, "Wait-"

Jace looks at me, "What?-"

I got up and went to the closet, pulling out the box filled with Jonathan's keepsakes, "Remember this?"

"Yeah-" Jace got up, knowing where I was going with it, "We can use what's inside to track him-"

I opened the box, only for it to be completely empty, "Looks like somebody beat us to it-"


"Any sign of Jonathan?" Alec asked Jace and I when we walked into his office that day.

I shook my head, "No- we tried to track the box itself, but, it was a dead end."

"So- Valentine sent Duncan to steal a pair of baby booties?" Alec remarked, looking between us.

"Someone did." Jace pointed out, "Someone who wanted to circumvent us from tracking Jonathan."

"And now we have no leads on either of them." I said, "We've got nothing."

"Actually, we have less than nothing." Alec admits, "There's something you should know-"

"The Clave doesn't have the Soul Sword." He said to us, "They never did."

"The Clave keeping secrets." I nodded slowly, "That's- not shocking at all."

Alec looks at me, "The Clave is trying to prevent an uprising- if the Downworld finds out that we don't have the Soul Sword, there would be total chaos."

"If Valentine has the Sword and the Cup-" I began, "If he gets his hands on the Mirror- he could summon the Angel Raziel."

"The Angel will grant him one wish." Alec nodded on confirmation, "Anything he wants."

I exhale, "The end of the Downworld as we know it."


"After Elliot opened his own shop, we lost touch." Clary said, Dot at her side as she lead Alec, Jace and I into Alec's office, "But- when I was little, Elliot was one of my mom's best friends."

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