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"Yeah, I'm not seeing it in the Gray Book." Jace sighed and shut the book as we stood in my room.

"Jace, it has to be in there." I set my sketchbook down and stood up straight, "Every rune is supposed to be in there-"

"Some of them are removed." Jace reminds me, "They're reserved for the most elite members of the Clave."

"You and I both know I'm no where near elite." I argued back, "Why would I know an elite rune?"

"Maybe- you saw it somewhere and you don't remember." Jace lightly shrugged toward me.

"I've never seen the rune before my entire life, Jace." I shot back at him, "It appeared, like a vision, in front of me- it was like someone or something was trying to send me a message- I don't know how to explain it."

When Jace doesn't reply, I rip the drawing of the rune out of my sketchbook, "Look, I'll just go ask Izzy and Alec- maybe, they'll know something we don't-"

"No-" Jace stopped in front of me and grabbed my arms, "Absolutely not."

I looked at him in argument, "Jace-"

"If you tell anyone else, they could be in danger, too." Jace tried to persuade, "The Clave is quick to persecute anyone or anything they don't understand."

"Jace, I need to know how I did what I did-" I argued back, staring right at him.

"We will forgive it out." Jace emphasized majorly, "Just you and me."

I stared at him, then huffed, "Fine."


"Holy crap-" The words left Clary's mouth before she could process them when her, Isabelle and I came out the other side of the portal on mission, gaping at what was the Citadel.

"This is more amazing than I imagined-" Isabelle was completely ecstatic, as we began making our way up the path and slowly onto the land, "I can't believe I'm actually going inside."

"The inner kiddo in you is probably freaking right now-" I softly laughed at my parabatai as I walked next to her, knowing that this had been her dream ever since she was younger.

Isabelle scoffed playfully, "You have no idea-"

Before I could reply, a high pitched ringing filled the air, making Clary, Isabelle and I's hands go right to our ears in pain.

Suddenly, we were surrounded by Iron Sisters, pointing their swords at us, "Speak your names."

"Isabelle Lightwood." Isabelle stood straight.

Clary inhales, "Clary Fairchild."

I exhale deeply, "Zee Young."

"Valentine's daughters." Sister Cleophas spoke up my identity, her sword aimed toward me.

"Your father killed the Silent Brothers." Sister Magdalena said, her sword aimed for Clary, "He's taken our most valuable weapon- you must leave immediately."

Isabelle stepped up, "Zee and Clary have done nothing wrong."

"Allow me." Sister Cleophas offered, speaking up, "What answers do you seek?"

"Why did Valentine go to all that trouble to steal the Soul-Sword?" Isabelle questioned.

Silence followed Isabelle's words, as all their stares looked toward me, as if I would know.

"I know, you may not trust us because Valentine's our father." I cleared my throat, looking between everyone, "But- I want to stop him more than anyone. I mean- he's the reason my mother's and hers are dead- he experimented on my brother. And if we have any chance at defeating him- we need your help, so- what do ya say?"

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