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"Today we recognize Zee Young's heroic actions-" Inquisitor Herondale said to all of Alicante, having me stand with her on the higher platform, "Because of her, Valentine is no longer a threat-"

"You have defeated our greatest enemy." Inquisitor Herondale looks at me, "Valentine may have used the Mortal Instruments to raise the Angel Raziel, but- you prevented a wish from being granted."

She smiles at me, "Zee Young, may your heroism be a shining example to Shadowhunters across the world."

I quietly thanked her when she let me head off the platform, quickly rushing over to my friends when everyone cheered and applaud, "Hey, guys-"

"Congratulations!" Isabelle throws her arms around her and held me tight, "How did that feel?-"

"Terrifying- too many people." I softly rubbed the back of my neck when we pulled away, "Kind of embarrassing too-"

"Don't be embarrassed- you are the hero of Alicante." Isabelle waves me off lightly.

Clary smiles, "You went hand to hand with Valentine and killed him- so, stop being so modest."

"I'm gonna look for Mom-" Isabelle softly smiles when she notices Alec's stare on me, as Clary took the hint, walking away from us as well.

I look at him, "Please don't- congratulate me-"

"What you did was impressive." Alec softly laughs at my words, but then went slightly serious, "But- there's more to the story, isn't there?"

I blink, "What?-"

"Zee, I felt Jace die- he says he has no idea why, but, he's lying." Alec takes a step toward me, "You're my best friend- you'd tell me if something happened, right?"

I stare at him, my heart dropping, "Of course-"

"Zee, my parabatai rune disappeared- I mean, how do you explain that?" Alec softly sighs, "Are you sure you didn't- see something happen? Was it Valentine? Or-"

"Alec, I don't know-" I cut him off, "I'm sorry-"

"Jace is alive- that's all that matters." Alec exhales slow, then pulls me in for a hug, "Congratulations."


"Hey-" I slowly walked toward Jace, crossing my arms, "You okay?"

"This is the closest I've ever gotten to them." Jace held his necklace, staring at the graves of his parents, "Too bad it's in the Cemetery of the Disgraced."

"They weren't bad people, Jace." I sighed lightly and linked my arm with his, leaning my head against his arm, lightly rubbing it to comfort him, "They made a mistake- everyone makes mistakes."

Jace exhales, "I guess so."

"Jace, uhm-" I lifted my head, "I think we might have to tell Alec the truth- about the wish-"

Jace shakes his head, "No-"

"He's your parabatai, and my best friend-" I reminded him, "If we can trust anyone- it's him."

"He's also the head of the New York Institute." Jace looked at me, "If he didn't report us to the Clave, he'd be as guilty as we are."

"Compelling a wish from the Angel can only happen once, if the Clave ever found out what we did, they'd lock you in the Gard for the rest of your life- maybe even give you the death sentence." Jace said to me, "And I don't think I can bare to lose you."

I faced him, putting my other hand on his other arm, "And if I had to do it all over again, I would-"

"No one can know, Zee." Jace lightly shook his head and pulled me into his chest, "No one."

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