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"Zee, please let me explain-" Jocelyn followed me when we returned back to the Institute, surrounded by guards, Aldertree and Lydia.

I ignored her, walking into the training room, where she only followed me, Simon following her, as Jocelyn's shouts had gotten Clary and Margaret's attention as well.

"Zee-" Jocelyn yelled, "Zee, stop!"

"What the hell wrong with you?" I snapped at her when I turned around to face her, "We almost had him back."

Jocelyn softly shook her head in defense at my accusation, "You don't understand."

"You're right, I don't." I scoffed deeply, clenching my fists at my sides, "I don't understand why you would try to kill my brother."

Margaret, my mother, slowly entered the room, "What's going on?"

"Mom?" Clary was by her, eyes slightly wide.

I grit my teeth, "Jocelyn tried to kill Jace."

Margaret's eyes widen, "What?"

Clary stepped forward, "You tried to kill our brother?"

"Because your brother, he's not who you think he is!" Jocelyn defensively shot back at us.

"And how would you know that?" I tainted her, stepping closer, "Jace isn't your son."

Jocelyn went silent.

"He never was and never will be, especially after you tried to murder him." I was admittedly harsh, but my anger was overpowering me, "Maybe that made it easier for you to shoot that damn arrow at his head."

Jocelyn exhales deeply at my words, "Honey, there's still so much you don't know."

"Maybe because neither you, or my mother decided to fill me in when you guys decided to come back crashing into my life." I seethed through my teeth.

Simon quickly came between Jocelyn and I when I stood directly in front of her, "Hey, maybe we should take a deep breath and relax."

Jocelyn looks at him, exhaling deeply, "Simon, give us some space, please."

Simon stepped back, "Sure thing, Mrs. F."

"No- you're staying right where you are." I argued and stepped away from Jocelyn, "You're one of the only people I could actually trust right now."

Small hurt flashed in Jocelyn's eyes, "I want you to know I'm a victim here, too- we all are."

"Really?" I scoff in surprise, "You got nothing left so you're playing the damn victim card?"

Jocelyn looked down, "Margaret, tell her."

My mother was silent.

I looked at her, "Tell me what?"

"When I was pregnant with your brother, Valentine drugged me." Margaret quietly began, "He did an experiment on the baby."

Clary's eyes widen, "What?"

Jocelyn nods slowly, folding her hands, "He injected Jonathan with demon blood."

I stare at my mother, "Why would he do that?"

"He's sick." Margaret's eyes squint at the thought, "He thought demon blood would make our unborn child strong."

"And it did." Jocelyn followed up, speaking to back herself up, "But- it also made him evil."

"And I'm supposed to buy that?" I glanced at her, "Downworlders have demon blood- they're not all bad."

"Zee, you have no idea how much I loved your brother-" Margaret walks over to me, "And I didn't want to believe it until I saw what he was capable of."

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