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"What was that?" I stumbled when the apartment jerked and moved before stopping with a thud, "What did you just do?-"

"Just a little change of locale." Jonathan breathed out and stood up straight, insinuating that he had moved the apartment to a different location.

When those words left his mouth, I quickly moved and headed to the doors, pushing them open, my heart dropped to the farthest pit in my stomach at the sight of the Eiffel Tower.


"What's wrong?" Jonathan noticed my expression when he followed behind me, "You're in Paris- I thought you'd be happy."

"Happy?" I scoffed lightly and looked at him, "You expect me to be happy that I'm being held hostage and have been shackled to my brother for the rest of my life?-"

"I take it you're afraid of our little bond." Jonathan stares at me, then calls out after me when I rolled my eyes and walked back inside, "I forgive you for trying to kill me, by the way."

I huff and cross my arms, "So- how does this work? If one of us gets hurt, the other does too? Is that all there is to it?"

"That appears to be the case so far, yes." He said.

I thought out loud, "It must be an effect of that rune Lilith gave me to resurrect you."

"Well, if we can't be enemies, perhaps we'll be allies." Jonathan took a step toward me, "We never got a chance to know each other- and what better place than Paris? Home of Renoir, Matisse, Van Gogh and now? Morgenstern."

"Shut up, Jonathan." I snapped at him, "I really don't want to hear it-"

"You're a great artist, Zee. I admire that." Jonathan stares at me for a moment, "I'm gonna go get us some food- how about I pick up some art supplies, and you can show me how you work?"

When he began walking away, an idea struck in my mind, "Jonathan, wait!-"

He stopped and looked at me.

"Take me with you." I walked over to him, "If you really wanna get to know me- if you really want to rebuild our relationship- you can't keep me locked up in here."

Jonathan stares, "I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"Isn't it?" I tried to persuade, "It seems simple enough to me. I hurt you, I hurt myself- and besides, we're both on the run from the Clave- where would I run? Right back to my execution?"

Jonathan seemed hesitant, "How can I be sure you're telling me the truth?"

"You can't." I say, praying that I could convince him, "You're just gonna have to trust me."

Jonathan came closer, his eyes slightly widening, "Does that mean that you trust me?"

"I don't know yet." I told him, "But- I've had a lot of time to think. Maybe- it's time I gave you a chance. To get the know the real you."


"See what you can find." Jonathan pushed open a closet, countless amounts of glittery dresses and clothing items greeting us.

"Ew." Was my first reaction when I stepped in, looking through all the clothes, "These are all- nauseatingly sparkly."

"Yeah, well- they belonged to Lilith." Jonathan grabbed his own clothes from the other side before stepping out, "Happily, she won't be needing them any longer."

I rolled my eyes and looked through the items, grabbing a plain blouse and a blazer, along with a pair of boots.

I walked over to the foldable wall and stayed hidden behind it, changing into the clothes as I heard Jonathan talk, "Paris is home to the world's largest Institute, and we're both on the run, so- best to keep our runes covered."

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