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"Okay, you're scary." A girl's shaky voice came from the empty alleyway Jace and I were patrolling. Isabelle and Clary were down the block— our shift had run on for hours because the holiday noise was luring all kinds of demons out. "Let us by, please?"

The demon roared loudly and multiple kid screams filled the air. Jace and I quickened our pace and rounded the corner, catching eye of the kids running away from the demon.

The demon— hears our rushed footsteps and turned its head towards us. It shrieked at us and I looked up at it while Jace went around it. "Nice costume— what kind of demon are you?"

"It's a Dravek demon, Zee." Jace pulled out his seraph blade and buried it in the demon's back. The demon shrieked in pain and Jace held it up in the air so that I could aim sunlight at it and kill it for good.

"I was just trying to make conversation." I sigh dramatically and drew my sun rune on my palm, aiming it up towards the demon and killing it within seconds. "You could have at least let it introduce itself. It could've been nice—"

"Right, scaring the little kids away screams nice." Jace smiled at me and stepped back, accidentally stepping into a plastic sword from one of the kids' costumes that they left discarded.

I put my stele away and quickly rushed over to him, grabbing the plastic sword and pushing the flat, broken edge to his chest. "On guard—"

"Really?" Jace watched me with amusement as I pretended to slash him with my sword. Jace lifted his blade and sliced it through mine, the plastic sword cutting into halves. My jaw dropped and my lips fell into a pout, looking at Jace. He exhaled. "I hate Halloween."


"Hey— is now a bad time?" I asked gently, knocking on the open door of Alec's office with Jace by my side after we just gotten back.

"Actually—" Alec began.

Magnus cut him off. "Not at all— what is it?"

"Well, on the hunt— we came across a Drevak demon." I leaned back against the door frame, crossing my arms over my chest when we entered the room.

"Yeah, which is weird, right?" Jace stuck by my side. "They usually keep to the sewers."

Alec nodded slowly and thought out loud. "Maybe the holiday noise is drawing them out."

"Yeah, it could be." Jace shrugged lightly with a laugh. "The streets are packed with idiots in costumes."

"You used to be one of those idiots!" I pointed out immediately. "I remember begging you to sneak out with me and go trick or treating, and you had fun—"

Jace narrowed his eyes at me. "Maybe I was just trying to not hurt your feelings."

"Sure." I dragged out. "You loved it— and I still do. I love Halloween."

"So do I— every year, I would use my magic to decorate an entire city block in Brooklyn." Magnus slowly trailed off and then got quieter when the realization hit him. He sighed. "Fond memories."

Alex looks at us. "Brief ops on the demon."

Jace and I slowly nodded and left them alone.


"I ran some tests on Jonathan's blood." Isabelle told us while holding up one of the vials of Heavenly Fire. "The Heavenly Fire serum caused a reaction that purged all of its demonic essence."

Alec looked down at her. "So, injecting Jonathan will burn away all his demon blood?"

"And his demonic connection with Zee." Isabelle set it down and gave me a wide smile. "We've finally found a way to separate you from your brother."

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