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I stare at my ceiling, tears present in my eyes.

I had never felt so dense my entire life.

I felt weird and disgusted with myself.

How could I not have known that Jace was my brother? How could I have been so clueless?

I had talked to my mother about Jace, and it had been true. Jace was my brother.

I didn't want to believe it at first, but my mother had told me about how she thought Jace died in a fire when he was younger. That I did had a brother.

Turns out Valentine just hid him away and raised him separate from all of us.

I fell in love with my brother.

God, I was humiliated.

I sniffled and sat up, squeezing my eyes shut as more tears fell, holding my breath.

I coughed, standing up, running my hands through my messy hair, pacing back and forth.

Usually, whenever I felt like this I would go to Alec.

But, we weren't on good terms either.

It was like everything was just falling apart and I couldn't do anything about it.

I stepped out into the hall, walking for Alec's room, standing right in front of the door.

I inhale sharply, feeling more tears burning in my eyes, knowing that he was angry with me.

But, I knocked and went into his room anyway.

Alec was seated on his bed, his back against his headboard after changing into more comfortable clothes, in a position that was more stiff as if he had just sat down.

Alec looked at me, his eyes slightly wider than usual as to why I had came into his room, his expression dropping.

His eyes scan my face, his expression softening lightly as he scooted to the side of his bed, holding his arm out for me, his voice quiet, without any question, "Come here."

I sat on his bed and curled up into his side, hugging onto him tightly as I sobbed into his chest.

Even despite our differences, he was there for me.


I walked over to the table Magnus was seated at the next morning, giving him a soft smile.

My expression drops when Jace walks over, sitting down at the table across from where I stood.

I clear my throat, muttering, looking down, "Morning."

"Morning." His voice was quiet, not being able to look at me either, "You just wake up?"

I nod once, "Yep."

"Oh-" He awkwardly said, "You sleep well?"

I lied, "Mhm."

Magnus looks between us, "While this conversation is no doubt scintillating, remind me why we couldn't do this at my place? At least there we'd have cocktails."

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