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"How could you not tell me that?" Luke's voice boomed as he shouted when we followed him into the Jade Wolf.

"Luke, stop shouting!" I shot back at him, "The Downworld would be in total chaos if they knew what the Sword could do-"

Jace backed me up, standing right next to me when we came to a stop, "There would be uprisings everywhere."

"So- you're saving the Downworlders from themselves?" Luke faced us, "We never asked."

"Luke!" I stepped closer, "We didn't even know that Valentine could activate the Sword until we realized he had an angel- and you know what, I had no idea until Clary told me- I didn't think I was obligated to tell you."

"You are-" Luke pointed at me, "Especially when it's my kind that's being threatened-"

Jace was suddenly defensive, "Look, you don't understand, all right-"

"No- I do understand." Luke had cut him off, staring at us, "He has my sister."

Jace and I both went quiet, making Luke look between us, "What else aren't you two telling me?"

"The angel, he-" I huff, "He showed us a vision."

Jace exhales, "Just now, on the rooftop, he showed us both a vision of a demon that can destroy the Sword."

Luke questions, "How do you know that's what he was telling you?"

"Well, when you see a demon touch a sword and watch them both disintegrate?" I crossed my arms, "There's really no other explanation."

Jace took a step closer, "Luke, it was a demon I'd never seen before."

"Then go find it." Luke headed toward the door, "I'll head out and see if that bastard left any clues for us to track him down."


I rubbed my temple with one hand after having another rush from the demon blood that ran through my veins, as I walked through Max's Rune Ceremony that Magnus had planned.

I was dressed in a deep red midi dress, that ended at my knees and was tied behind my back, along with ankle strap heels and my hair straight.

"Wow-" I jerked to a stop when I almost ran right into Clary and Simon, "Sorry-"

"Hey-" Clary softly smiles at me, her arm linked with Simon's, who also gave me a smile.

"This is- new-" I gestured between them, noticing almost right away, "Cute-"

Simon's smile widened, before he looked behind me, my heart stopping at the presence and voice that was behind me, it being Jace, "Hey-"

I slowly turned, my eyes locking with his, "Hi-"

"We were just heading to the bar to see what kinds of blood-types Magnus has on tap." Simon mentions, looking between us, "Do you want anything?"

Simon notices the two sangrias in Jace's hands, making Jace look down and lightly chuckle, "I'm good-"

Simon lightly pulled Clary along and left Jace and I alone, making me take a step back and swallow hard, "So-"

"So-" Jace held a sangria out for me, "Drink?"

"Thank you-" I slowly took it from him.

Jace stares at me for a second, swallowing hard, taking a gulp of his sangria, "You look good-"

"Uh, thanks-" I put a strand of my hair behind my ear, taking an awkward sip of mine, "Not too bad yourself-"

"Oh-" Jace reached his hand up and swiped his thumb across my bottom lip, wiping off a drop of sangria, "You have-"

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