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"Hey, Jace." Underhill's addressing caught my attention almost immediately when I was walking through the hall, "Alec promoted me to Head of Security-"

"And if you have a minute, I'd love to pick your brain-" I walked toward him to see Jace with his back to him, waiting for the elevator, "I guess that's a no-"

"Jace!" I rushed over to him, except he didn't turn at the sound of my voice, "Why haven't you been answering any of my texts? I've been so worried-"

"Jace?" I touched his shoulder to get his attention, as his head snaps toward me, his eyes wide, "Are you okay? Where have you been?"

Jace's words caught me off guard, "I have no idea."


"The last thing I remember, I was- I was fighting Jonathan in the club, but-" Jace said to me, as we sat in his room, as he stammered to try and remember, "But, then he must've knocked me out, but it was-"

"Jace," I stop him, "Jonathan isn't the Owl."

Jace looks at me, "What?"

"Izzy got him with her whip when we were in combat-" I told him, "The electrum- he didn't burn."

Jace trails off slowly, "But- then, the nightmares I've been having,"

"They're not signs." I ran a hand through his hair to fix it, "Jonathan is dead."

"Then that's good." Jace slowly got up, sighing, "Yeah, that's good-"

"Jace, what is going on with you?" I looked up at him, "Is it bringing you back from the dead? Using the wish-"

"No." Jace shook his head, "I'm- I'm fine."

"I can feel that there's something wrong." I got up, looking at him, "Jace, I'm so close to marching into Alec's office and telling him everything-"

"No!" Jace grabbed my arms, "Zee, listen, you need to swear to me that you haven't told anyone else about this-"

I began, "Not yet, but-"

"Zee, we've been through this." Jace cut me off, "You compelled the one wish from Raziel, to the Clave, that's the worst offense possible-"

"I know." I cut him off, raising my voice lightly at him, "I don't care-"

"Well I do!" Jace raises his voice back at me, his eyes locked in mine, "I am not going to lose you. I won't."

I stare at him, my voice lowering, "We need to get you some help- what if it's something serious?"

Jace swallows, "I promise you, I'm fine-"

"Then why don't you remember where you've been all night?" I crossed my arms, "Go on, Jace- what's your alibi?"

"I'm just tired." Jace's words made me huff, "I haven't slept in days-"

I stare, "Do you honestly believe that's all this is?"

"I just need to get some rest." Jace assures me, "And now that I know Jonathan is dead- I finally can."


"Hey, I got your alert." I walked into Alec's office, "Another Owl attack?"

"No- blood unit hit downtown." Alec doesn't look up, "Most likely a rogue vampire- I want you on this with Jace."

"How about Izzy?" I clear my throat, "Clary?"

Alec looks at me, "Well, why not Jace?"

"I don't think he should-" I slowly walked over to his desk, "He's exhausted- he's been overworking himself hunting the Owl, he hasn't slept at all."

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