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"Bring in the accused." Consul Penhallow instructed, as I was brought into the hall, my wrists cuffed, as I was lead onto the higher platform, the guards freeing me from my cuffs.

"Place your hands on the Sword." My hands were brought to the Soul Sword that was placed in front of me, as I stopped my hands from touching them.

I looked up, "The last time I touched this sword, I destroyed some of its powers-"

I was just trying to buy some time.

I knew the moment my hands touched the Sword, everything would be revealed.


"To kill Downworlders." Consul Penhallow stares at me, "It can still draw the truth."

"Hands!" My hands were forced onto the sword as I grunted lightly, before everyone stepped back from me, my eyes falling onto Consul Penhallow.

She questions, "Why did you come to Alicante?"

My jaw clenched.

I tried not to speak, but the words came out anyways, "To steal the Malachi Configuration-"

My heart dropped.

Consul Penhallow tilts her head to the side while looking at me, "Seems the sword's working just fine."


"Why were you digging up your father's body?" Consul Penhallow asked me, pacing back and forth in front of me.

I replied, "I wasn't."

"Then who was?" She stopped, her eyes on me.

"J-" I whimpered quietly to myself, trying not to utter the words but I couldn't, "It was Jace-"

"Jace Herondale?" She recalled, "Then why did we find you in the cemetery?"

I breathed heavy, squeezing my eyes shut, "Because I helped him escape-"

She questions, "Why was Jace digging up Valentine?"

"I don't know." I answered honestly.

She then asks, "Did Jace kill Imogen?"

Small tears start to fill my eyes, "I think so-"

"Why would Jace kill the only true family he has?" Consul Penhallow took a step towards me.

I looked at her, the words just coming out of my mouth without permission, "He's not in control of what he's doing."

"Why?" She asked, as I tried not to answer, whimpering more, the tears in my eyes falling as she raised her voice, "Why?"

I cried out when I couldn't prevent myself any longer, "Because he's been possessed by the Queen of Edom!-"

Consul Penhallow was caught off guard, taking a step toward me, "How did that happen?"

I pursed my lips, squeezing my eyes shut, sobbing into my shoulder, trying not to say.

"How did Jace become possessed by Lilith?" Consul Penhallow was pressing onto me, "How did Jace become possessed by Lilith?"

I blurted out, "He was vulnerable-"

"Why?" Consul Penhallow questioned.

I sniffle, "Because Valentine killed him at Lake Lyn."

"You mean tried to kill him?" She tried to correct me, taking a step onto the stair, looking at me.

"No-" More tears fell from my eyes at the thought of it, "He was dead."

"If Jace was dead- how is he alive now?" Her question made me fight as hard as I could against the influence of the Soul Sword, my eyes glued to it, as it shined bright, before I pulled my hands away, the sword falling to the ground.

"You want the truth?" I gave up, breathing heavily as I was grabbed by two guards, "I don't need your damn Sword-"

"No!" Consul Penhallow holds her palm out to tell the guards to step back, "Let her speak."

When they did, I huffed lightly, "After my father killed Jace, he summoned Raziel to compel a wish."

"But- I killed Valentine first, and then used the wish to bring Jace back to life." I revealed, knowing that if I hadn't told them now, they would have tortured it out of me.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" Consul Penhallow got onto the higher platform, "Since the time of Jonathan Shadowhunter, we have battled demons with the reassurance that if an insurmountable evil were to take over the world, the Angel's wish could save us- you've taken that away."

"Maybe." I breathed heavily, staring up at her, "To you, an insurmountable evil is a world overrun by demons- to me, it's the mass murder of all creatures with demon blood."

"I mean, if you really think about it, anyone could use that wish as the key to destroy- our entire world- and clearly it's not extremely difficult to land in the wrong hands since Valentine got to it before anyone could." I scoff lightly, "The Clave didn't even have all three Mortal Instruments to keep the wish safe- do you have any irresponsible that is? How dangerous-"

"Any wish that has the power to cause that kind of destruction is not a gift- it's a curse." I said right to her face, "It's a good thing it's gone."


"Do you have anything you'd like to say before receiving your sentence?" asked Consul Penhallow when they brought me back to my cell, undoing my cuffs.

"I don't." I hugged my arms, "If I were out there all over again, I'd do the same thing. I'll always bring him back-"

"Being a Shadowhunter is about sacrifice." Consul Penhallow's voice was stern, "That's the one thing you've never understood."

"But- maybe now you will." She didn't give me the chance to reply, "Zee Young, you are hereby sentenced to death."

authors note:



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