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"Isabelle, let's go." Alec calls for her, stood next to me as we walked down the hall and past her room.

"Hey there, big bro." Isabelle walked out of the room and followed us, "Little sis."

I looked at my parabatai in disbelief, "I'm 21."

"You're always little to me." Isabelle playfully winks, twirling the platinum wig in her hand.

Alec takes notice of it, "Really?"

"What can I say?" Isabelle sighs dramatically,
"Demons dig blondes."

Alec was holding back a laugh, pointing at it, "Of course they do, but that's white."

"Platinum." Isabelle corrects him, "And they don't exactly like Shakespeare, okay, Alec?"

I cross my arms, "I don't know, you're plenty distracting on your own."

"So, be yourself." Isabelle looks between Alec and I, "Is that what you're trying to say?"

"Never mind." Alec waves it off, "Looking good, let's go."

Isabelle held her wig as we walked into the Ops Center, "We're ready, Jace."

"Nice choice, Izzy." Jace compliments, "Demons dig blondes."

Isabelle looks at Alec, "Told you."

I looked at Jace, "Are you colorblind?"

"I can see colors just fine, Zee." Jace had a hint of a smile on his lips as his hand glides over the monitor.

Alec nods at me siding with him, "It's platinum."

Jace began to fill us in, walking towards the training room, "All right, guys, for some reason our demon friends are killing mundanes and draining their blood."

"Why do they want blood?" Alec asked as we followed him, "Isn't that vampire territory?"

"I don't know, Alec." Jace shrugs, "Lazy vampires, maybe?"

I took the seraph blade Jace handed me, "There must be something special about their blood."

Alec looked at me, "What could be special about mundane blood?"

"You get me a sample and I'll tell you exactly what they're looking for." Isabelle grabbed her blade.

Jace walks down the steps, "We'll have more answers when we figure out exactly who the demons are working for."

"So, you don't think they're acting on their own?" Isabelle asks Jace, as he shook his head.

I shrug, "They're not exactly creative thinkers, they're shapeshifters."

Jace walks over to the monitor and points at the picture, "This is what our target looks like."

Isabelle adds in, "For now."

"Great." Alec nods, "I'll get approval for the mission."

"Great, I'll go ahead." I purposely chirp, walking away from them and towards the entrance.

"I'm right behind you." Jace repeated what he said every time I told them I would go ahead, following me, "Come on, Alec, by the time you've sent that message, we'll have killed six demons."

Isabelle smiles as her and Alec followed us, "Besides, it's more fun to break the rules than to follow them."


I walked towards the entrance of the Pandemonium, chasing after Jace and Alec who were already in the club, my short legs deceiving me.

I ran a hand through my dark medium length hair, accidentally bumping into a girl on the way there.

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