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[ third person's pov ]

"If it wasn't for me, Zee would still be alive!" Jace heard his own words replaying in his mind when he slowly walked into Zee's bedroom, the cold feeling sending shivers up his spine, "It's my fault that we lost her- that I lost her!"

Tears welled up in his eyes immediately when he could practically catch a glimpse of her sitting on her bed, reading her book.

If I thought that, I wouldn't be telling you to gain some tips from the protagonist.

He could practically hear her voice in his head, his eyes watching as the moment he looked back at her bed, the glimpse of her was gone.

It was all in his head.

He could see her everywhere he went.

Everything reminded him of her.

And it made his heart ache.

Not only because she was dead.

But because he left her heartbroken.

Jace slowly shut the door behind him, walking further into her bedroom and took a look around.

None of her items had been touched, but yet her room felt so empty.

He slowly headed over to her closet, opening it and getting his hands on one of her sweaters, taking notice of the majority of his shirts.

"That's where they all went." Jace thought to himself, his eyes scanning the closet, the tears in his eyes falling.

Jace took in her scent, letting out a pain filled sob into the fabric, gripping it tightly in his hands.

He missed her so much.

Jace sniffled lightly, walking towards her desk.

"Well, we've kissed." Jace heard his own words in his head when he flipped open her sketch book, "You've got a whole book without any drawings of me in it? Where are the romantic novels?"

The first page was a drawing of him.


[ zee's pov ]

"Good morning." A voice sucked me farther into a state of confusion when I woke up on a couch in an unfamiliar place, slowly sitting up.

I looked back, noticing the person, "Who are you?"

"Don't you see the family resemblance?" His words made my heart stop instantly, pushing myself onto my feet.

I looked between him and the broken sarcophagus, one that lacked a body, "Jonathan."

"In the flesh." Jonathan put his hands behind his back, "Resurrection brought back my real face."

"Unfortunate." I took a few steps, my eyes scanning around the apartment, "Where is Lilith?"

"Back in Edom." He replies, "Where she belongs."

I didn't say anything.

"You've been asleep for days- you must be starving." Jonathan tried to take a few steps toward me, "How about I make you some breakfast and a nice cup of tea?-"

"I don't eat-" I walked past him, pulling my shirt down a bit to see the rune in my skin, "What did she do to me?"

Jonathan pulled his shirt a bit, showing me the same symbol in his skin, "Kind of like our family emblem."

"Like hell." I looked at him, "It's what brought you back to life- nothing more."

"It's a symbol of our bond." Jonathan let go of his shirt, "I wouldn't be alive without my little sister."

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