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"We've lost seven of our own, but- we can't allow a single, radical Seelie to define the entire Downworld, any more than we can allow Valentine to define all Shadowhunters." Alec said, as he stood in front of the whole Institute making his announcement, "So, to restore unity with our allies, I will be hosting regular Cabinet meetings here with the Downworld leaders of New York- please, let's make the Downworlders feel welcome."

When Alec dismissed them, he walked toward us, Jace softly smiling at him proudly, "Look at you- in charge for a week, you're already shaking things up."

I kept my distance, standing next to Isabelle and I smiled at Alec as well, "I think this Cabinet thing is a good idea-"

Alec exhales, "Yeah, I'm not sure everyone agrees."

"All the more reason to do it- right? Makes a statement." I place my hands on my hips, "How can I help?"

"Actually, I need you, Jace, and Clary for a mission." Alec admits, looking between us, "You're going to the Seelie Court."

I blink lightly, avoiding eye contact with Jace, "Uhm- you sure I can't help around here? I could be of use during the Cabinet meeting-"

Clary looks at me, "Wait- why don't you-"

"Please." I cut her off, my eyes glued to Alec.

"No- no, I trust you to go there-" Alec knew that something was up between Jace and I, so he decided to push it, "You and Jace work good together-"

I scrunch my nose, as Clary looks between us all, "So- where's the Seelie Court?"

"The nearest entrance is in Central Park- but, it's in another realm." Isabelle told us, "It's- where the Seelie Queen lives-"

"I requested an audience with her to discuss Kaelie's crimes." Alec said, "But- she said she'll only meet with Valentine's experiments."

I huff lightly, accepting that there was no way I could get out of this, "So, you think the Seelie Queen is responsible for Kaelie's attacks?"

"That's what I want you to find out." Alec replied.

"It would make sense." Jace ran a hand through his hair, "Those murders weren't exactly Kaelie's style."

I don't look at him, "How did you know Kaelie?"

"Book Club." Jace shortly replied.

This made me look up at him, "You don't read."

"Yeah I do-" Jace's eyes locked with mine, and I could see the pain in his eyes, but he kept a face on, "Why does everyone find that so hard to believe?"

"Look- focus." Alec interjected, "We need to find out if she's complicit- an entire faction could be turning against us."

"That shouldn't be too hard, right?" Clary looked between us, "Seelies can't lie."

"If you want to get technical, yeah- that would be the case." I looked at her, "But- after hundreds of years of practice, they can expertly manipulate the truth, and the Queen is the master."

"She's very dangerous." Isabelle adds in, her voice quiet, "The entire realm is- more than one Shadowhunter hasn't made it back."

"What could go wrong?" Clary looked between Jace and I, "But we're, uh- Valentine's experiments, right? Don't mess with us."

"Please don't ever say that again." I said, before I walked away from them.


"Look, you don't have to come if you don't want to." Jace said to me as he and I stood alone by the water, waiting on Clary, breaking them silence, "I could just- tell Alec that you came-"

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