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Clary chose her side, "Simon, I think Zee can help us."

Simon looked taken back, "What?"

"All right, come on, everyone inside." I followed up the steps and walked over to Jace, as Clary and Simon followed Jace and I into the Institute.

"I know." Clary whispers to Simon as I drew a rune on my hand, "Trust me."

Simon watched me, "She's, like, burning herself."

"Hey, what's going on, man?" Simon blurts out when I grabbed his hand, "I'm not your type-"

"You're not wrong." I shrug, holding his hand until the Institute became visible to him.

"Where are we- what the hell?" Simon stares with wide eyes and blurts out, "Clary, is there a war going on that I don't know about?"

"There is now." Jace said, walking further in as I followed him.

"I think my mother's at the center of it." Clary exhales deeply and followed Jace and I, Simon on her trail.

"What is this place? There's a lot of gear in here." Simon looked around, "What'd they do, rob a tech shop?"

Simon looks between Jace and I, "So- these cold-blooded killers are gonna help us?"

Clary corrects him, "They're not a killers, they're protecting us."

"Sure, you can add him to the mix." I look at the security footage, "It's sort of our thing."

"Your thing?" Simon repeats, "You guys have a thing?"

"She means a Shadowhunter thing." Clary fills him in, "That's what they do, protecting humans from demons."

"Told you you'll get it eventually." I shrugged, Jace's arms crossed as he watched the footage with me.

"Demons, right." Simon didn't buy it, "That makes perfect sense, 'cause there are demons running all around New York."

I inhale sharply, nodding, "That is the first correct thing you've said all day."

Jace looks between the screens, "NYPD."

"Won't they find us?" Clary asks.

"No, our wards will deter them." Jace answered her, "And the NYPD will do their typical mundie thing for a few hours and then the area will be clear."

"What is going on?" Alec walked over as I muttered a small 'oh no' under my breath, "Why is there a mundane in the Institute?"

Jace sighs, "A Circle member followed him to get to Clary."

Clary speaks up, "A Circle rune, just like the guys that took my mother."

"What exactly is a Circle member and why are they trying to kill us?" Simon questioned.

"All we know is a long time ago the Circle led a revolt." Jace began to say, "A lot of Shadowhunters got killed including my father."

Alec was stiff, "And since the revolt we've been forbidden to even hear about the Circle."

"But, how is that even possible?" Clary asked, "It's your history."

I remark, "Says the girl who didn't know she was a Shadowhunter?"

"Yeah- yeah, you're right." Clary gave in, "And now the only person who knows the truth is missing, so I don't care about your rules or what's forbidden, there's got to be someone out there who can tell us why they've taken my mother."

"There is." I exhaled, walking away from them and towards the training room to find Hodge, "You coming?"

"Yeah." Clary replied, and I stopped when I heard two pairs of footsteps following me.

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