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"Welcome to the Seelie Glade, Zee Young." Meliorn said as we walked through the never ending woods, surrounded by greens and small flakes of white falling from the sky, "The remotest edges of it."

"It's peaceful." I shrug lightly, walking with Jace, "What I didn't understand is- why we had to come here to find my father?"

"Because of your sister's necklace." Meliorn explained, "It's a Portal shard."

Jace inhales sharply, almost rolling his eyes at him, "Tell us something we don't know."

Meliorn looks at me, "How does it work?"

I shrug lightly, "Whenever Clary touched the crystal and thinks of someone, she could see where they were."

Meliorn looks at Jace, "I'm curious, Shadowhunter, who knows so much about Portals, did you never wonder why this Portal shard doesn't behave the way normal Portals do?"

"Normal Portals can only take you to places you've been." Jace doesn't look at him, "I guess I never really thought about it."

Meliorn remarks, making me laugh quietly, and Jace to shoot me an irritated look, "I see Isabelle is the smart one in the family."

Meliorn then fills us in, "Your Portal shard works the way it does because it's a piece of a Portal from another dimension."

I stopped, "Another dimension?"

"You're saying there's a Portal in some other universe that can take us to anyone if we just think of them?" Jace crosses his arms.

Meliorn confirms, "If you can find the only Portal still standing in that dimension, it will take you to your father."


Meliorn gestures around us, "These trees are where the alternate dimensions intersect the Seelie realm."

Jace uncrossed his arms, "How is it possible that the Clave doesn't know about your dimensional doorways?"

"They are our most guarded secret." Meliorn stopped in front of two binded trees, "We are their protectors, only Seelies know of their existence."

I shot him a look, stopping as well, "Then why are you telling us?"

Meliorn looks at me, "I owe you a life debt and I don't like being indebted to anyone."

I placed my hands on my hips, "What would happen if-"

"If the Seelie Queen finds out I've shared this with you?" Meliorn finished my sentence, "I could be executed."

Jace runs a hand through his hair, "Well, we'll be extra careful then."

"There is no "we" in this scenario." Meliorn looked at Jace, "Only Zee goes in to find the Portal, my debt is to her."

Jace shot back at him almost immediately in spite, "You've given us no reason to trust you, Seelie."

I pretended to be suddenly interested in my glove, muttering under my breath, "Well, he did bring us here-"

Jace looked at me, his features twisting in offense as if I had wounded him, "You're supposed to me on my side."

I looked at him defensively, "I am!"

Meliorn began using his magic, moving the vines between the trees upward, "This will establish a connection to the other dimension."

"What's it like?" I blurt out suddenly, "The other dimension. Is it like this one?"

Meliorn's answer was simple, "It is but it isn't."

Jace rolls his eyes, "Could you be more vague?"

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