A New Start

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Mia's outfit above^

Mia's POV
I glance at the clock and it's already 1 am. I'm moving to New York tomorrow ,
and I'm too worried about everything. I end up thinking about my past, my
broken life..
My parents passed away in a car accident and I still remember it to
this day. I was there, and I was the only one that survived. My shitty abusive ex cheated on me after being with me for 4 years.

I must have drifted off to sleep because I woke up to a loud
banging on my door. Emma, that bitch has the key to my apartment
but never uses it. I open the door to see Emma grinning with 2 coffees
in her hand. 'Took you long enough bitch', she said stomping into my
living room.

'You could have used the key,' I tell her.
'That would be no fun. Besides, you should be awake by now'
I shrug my shoulders and sit beside her on the couch.
'I still can't believe you're leaving me,' Emma said, looking at me with
puppy eyes. Emma was my best friend since high school. She was there for
me when my parents died, and when I cried for a month after I found out Jake was cheating on me. I had to leave. This place has too many bad memories for me.

'I'll miss you a lot, Em', I said.' But you'll come visit me, right?'
'Duh, but if you don't call me everyday, I'm dragging your sexy ass back here.'
After laughing and crying I finally get dressed. I don't need a shower because I had one last night. I put on a comfy hoodie and leggings.
Emma helped me put my bags in her car as I looked around my apartment one last time. This was my first apartment and I loved it here. I locked the door and got into the passenger seat while Emma started the car. The drive to the airport was silent and I was carried away with my own thoughts.
'What are you thinking so hard about?' Emma asked.
'I'm just nervous', I replied with a weak smile.
'Everything will be fine, babe. You already have 2 interviews and everyone knows you're the best assistant anyone could have'.
'What if I don't like it there?'
'Then you can come back anytime. You've always wanted to leave. Plus, the change will be good for you,' she said putting her hand over mine. ' While you're there, you should find yourself a man, fall in love, have sex and all those stuff,' she said smirking.
I playfully slap her shoulder laughing.
'You know I don't have time for them Em'
' Oh come on Mia, we both know its time for you to have some fun. Stop being so serious all the time!'

We soon arrived at the airport and said goodbye, shedding a few tears.
' Remember what I told you!' Emma screamed at me before leaving. That bitch really drives me crazy. I was happy and very very anxious. The flight was boring and I slept through most of it. Once we landed, reality hit me and I started getting butterflies.
Would I fit in? I had the worse of luck in Bosses, both of my past bosses were assholes, ordering me around to do this and that and looking at me with perverted eyes. I pushed all the thoughts aside and tried to get a cab. New York was beautiful. I watched the people buzzing as they went home from work, some hand in hand with their lovers, others giggling and laughing with their friends. I loved the atmosphere. We soon arrived at the hotel I had booked and the receptionist gave me a small key. I opened the door to my room and it looked so comfy. There was a king sized bed in the middle with a bedside table and lamp. The room was dimly lit but I could see the beige colored walls and small paintings on them. I quickly took a shower before climbing into bed. I had 2 interviews the next day and I was tired as hell.

Romeo's POV
Leo is giving trouble again. I haven't be able to sleep well for 4 days in a row now thanks to his crying and fussing at night. I really should hire a babysitter. Maria, my housemaid, has looked after him when I was out but I know she is busy and has many things to do. She is getting old too and looking after Leo means you need a lot of energy. He is quite a troublesome little boy but I love him nonetheless.

'Diego,' I called my personal guard and assistant.
'Find me a babysitter for Leo. The sooner the better.'
'Yes boss.'

So here's a short beginning chapter. Till next time, loves!!

Romeo De Luca (formerly Our Story)Where stories live. Discover now