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Contains Mature Content

Mia's POV

Romeo's parents are arriving this evening and I'm slightly nervous. I'm preparing dinner for the family tonight. Romeo said he'd make the maids so it, but I wanted to do something special for them. Cooking has always been a hobby and it helps me forget things, like the fact that I'm adopted.

'They're here,' Romeo says as we stand on the porch watching the car drive towards us from the big metal gates.

'Mio figlio, I missed you.' A woman with flowing brown hair stepped out of the car and hugged Romeo.

She turns to me, 'Hello. I'm Romeo's mother Elena De Luca but you can call me Elena.'

I smile and say 'Mia Holmes. Nice to meet you.'

She suddenly hugs me surprising me and says in my ear. 'I've heard so much about you.'

'You have?' I ask confused. I didn't think Romeo would talk about me.

'Yes. You're more beautiful in person. My son is lucky to have a woman like you.'

She then turns to Leo and gushes 'Mio nipote, look how much you've grown! Don't you miss your nonna?'

She bends down and kisses his forehead while he smiles and makes weird sounds.
A man in his forties steps up beside Elena and no one can deny the resemblance he has with his son, Romeo.

'Mia. So nice to finally meet you.'

'It is my pleasure , Mr De Luca.'

'Oh please, call me Roberto.'

Another couple walks over to us and Romeo introduces us.
'Mia cara. This is my father's bestfriend and underboss, Antonio and his wife, Violetta.'

They smile at me and Romeo gestures towards me saying 'And this is Mia, Leo's babysitter who has also become my amazing girlfriend,' he said pulling me closer to him.

Violetta embraces me into a hug and I can't help but feel comfortable and a bit sad. I have this weird feeling in my chest. It's like deja vu. They look extremely familiar but we have never met before.
They all settle in and Romeo helps me set the table. Matteo and Bria are first to take their seats and the other soon follow. We all enjoy the food and everyone tells me I'm a good cook and would make quite the chef if I ever opened a restaurant.
Elena and Violetta helps me with the dishes afterwards.

'It's nice you know,' Elena begins.

I look at her slightly confused and she continued 'Romeo, I mean. He's never been this happy. He was always closed off and never really opened up. I guess he really really likes you.'

I blush and she laughs.

'You know Mia, you remind me of my daughter,' Violetta says slowly. 'You have the same name and she would have been your age if she were here now.'

'What happened?' I asked gently not wanting to hurt her.

'We lost her when she was 2. Our house was attacked while me and my husband were away for a while. Our housemaid took her and tried to run. She was killed but Mia was nowhere to be found.' A tear slipped and she smiled sadly.

'Oh. I'm so sorry. She might still be alive.' I say hopefully.

'I hope so. We're looking for her everyday. My son, Lorenzo loved her so much.'

'You have a son?' I asked surprised because he didn't come with them.

Yeah. Lorenzo is Romeo's best friend and underboss. He's handling some business in Italy but will be here soon.'

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