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Includes mature scenes

Romeo's POV

'Romeo, help me....'  she whimpers.


'Get off me you bastard!'

'Mia? Baby baby it's me it's me. Wake up! I'm here, baby. You're okay.'

That sick bastard is gonna pay. My baby just got over the nightmares and now she's having them again. I will make him suffer.
We just sit there, me rocking Mia in my arms back and forth while she sobs.

'I'm so sorry amore,' I whisper kissing her head.

'Romeo.. he he...' she started.

'I know, baby. We have him. He won't be able to hurt you again.'

'Come, let's take a bath.'

I unbutton her shirt and slide them down her arms.
She consciously covers them, looking away.

'Amore.. he hit you didn't he?'

I move her hands away slowly revealing small bruises on her arm. 'Fucking bastard,' I curse as my blood boils. I finally notice the redness on her left cheek and my hands brush her skin. I kiss her bruises and then pull her in for a hug. We let the water cascade over us, letting the steam surround us.

Leo's okay, thankfully. The glass from the nursery didn't hurt any of them. Violetta and Antonio are so happy Mia's back.

'Amore..I love you,' I say as we lie in the bed, all cuddled up.

'I love you too, Romeo.'

'Thank you for keeping him safe.' I say pointing to Leo.

'I didn't do anything, baby. He's just a baby. Who knows what would happen if you didn't find us in time...' she says and we both go silent thinking about the consequences.

We shake off the bad thoughts.

' do you want me to do..about know?' I ask carefully, afraid she'll get triggered or something.

'I can't believe I dated such a sick bastard. I don't want to see him again, Romeo. Just..please give him what he deserves.'

I pull her into my chest. 'Yes baby, I'll make sure he gets ten times the suffering he made you go through.'

Soon after, Mia falls asleep and I follow.

Mia's POV

Romeo's not in the room when I wake up so I go to the kitchen where the girls are eating cookies.

'Hey Mia. Want some?' Bria asks, handing me a tray of chocolate chip cookies, my favourite.

'How are you doing?' Emma asks me.

We haven't really talked since I came back. I was extremely tired and I still feel a bit sick.

'Better,' I say.

'Wanna talk about it?'

So I tell them everything, including how that sick bastard almost raped me. I'm not full on crying but my eyes tear up. I found out that Emma knows about the mafia stuff. Matteo told her the night I was taken.

'I'm so sorry,' Bria says and they hug me tightly.

'You know what? You need to loosen up. Let's go to the mall tomorrow and have some fun!' Emma exclaims, jumping up and down.

I groan, knowing they won't want to go home until I have a thousand bags full of stuff.


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