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Contains Mature Scenes

Mia's POV

I wake up to a hard chiseled chest. Romeo is snoring softly, his eyes closed and he looks so calm. I trace the tattoos on his arm and chest, moving slowly to his torso.

'Mmm it feels good,' he says in his raspy morning voice making me pool down there.

Dammit. He hasn't even done anything.

'Let's take a shower', he says lifting me up from the bed.

I'm feeling extra bold today and I might have a plan. I bite my lip thinking about what I'm gonna do. He removes the sheets from my grasp, uncovering me. We're both naked and I can see his manhood growing. He carries me into the bathroom and I purposely 'accidentally' brush his dick with my leg as he puts me down. I smirk at the effect it has on him when he tries to suppress a groan.

Romeo's POV

I know Mia's still a bit nervous but her biting her lip isn't helping. I'm already hard as fuck. Suddenly she grasps my manhood stroking it gently. Fuck. I guide her hand stroking faster, groaning. I see a naughty glint in her eyes as she kneels down looking up at me.
Her innocent eyes are enough to make me cum.

'Mia..are you sure?' I ask.

She takes me into her mouth humming in response. The vibrations making me groan even more, she takes me deeper and I feel myself nearing the edge. Her lips twirl around my tip licking the precum off.

Baby, if you continue, I'm gonna cum.'

She doesn't care and continues her movements. She moves faster, my hand in her hair, my grasp on her head tightening. I feel my dick throb soon and I cum inside her mouth.

'Fuck. Mia...'

She swallows it all,shocking me. But again, Mia is a woman of many surprises.
I pull her into the bathtub with me.

'It was amazing.' I say kissing her shoulder.

We wash each other and I pour some shampoo on my hand rubbing it gently into her scalp. She hums but we better not do anything more. She's probably sore from last night.
She puts on my boxers and one of my super large hoodies. She looks so tiny in it. I put my arm around her waist as we go to check on Leo. He's awake and smiling at us flailing his arms in the air asking Mia to carry him.
He has started to babble and if he could actually talk, he would be one talkative boy.

I'm in my office with the boys. The Russians have caused trouble again. They stole my shipments, raided my warehouse and left a warning.
'I will come for you.'  The writing on the wall says.

No one touches what's mine. No one. And I don't do well with threats. Antonov just declared war. He will not be able to bring me down.

'Call the French and Spanish, make sure they're still on our side. Call the others too,' I tell Diego and he leaves.

'Fucking Antonov..' Lorenzo mutters.

Mia's POV
We had breakfast and Romeo went to work. I'm now in my room reading a book.

'Mia..!' Emma says in a singsong voice as she walks in.

'It's official. We're dating!!' She squeals. 'Thank God for you, bestie. If I didn't quit my job and come visit you, I wouldn't have met Matteo,' she says laughing.

I roll my eyes and join her. I'm happy for her, really. I know their personalities click. They're both outgoing  and cheerful.

'Good for you,' I tell her.

'How bout you? Have you done the dirty?,' she asks and just then, Bria opens my door hopping in.

'The dirty what? Wait have you?' she asks eagerly.

Damn these girls have way too much energy and damn are they curious.

'Uhhh..' I just say.

'You did!' Bria squeals.

'How was it? How was it?' Emma says jumping up and down.

' was amazing. That's all I'm gonna say.'

'I can't believe you two are fucking my brothers,' Bria says scrunching up her face.

'And you're gonna be fucking my brother soon,' I joke winking.

'We're not like that. I don't think he thinks of me that way,' she says blushing.

'Oh come on, we all know that he likes you,' Emma tells her and I nod in agreement.

'Girl he literally peeks at you at dinner like you're some precious jewel he's not allowed to look at. Just you wait. I'll make you my sister in law.'

They laugh at my comment and we climb into bed to watch Gossip Girl or whatever the hell they

Here you go!! Another chapter. Things are gonna get pretty interesting soon. Tell me what's your favourite show to watch on Netflix?

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