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Mia's POV

It's been about 2 weeks as Leo's babysitter. He's behaved really well so far. He was now on my lap playing with my hair, something he likes to do when I carry him. Romeo has been busy. I haven't seen him much. He would leave early after greeting Leo and come home late. He was home for dinner some days and we would usually get to know each other while watching Leo.
I'm currently sitting on my bed after surfing Netflix for half an hour and finding nothing interesting to watch. I decide to FaceTime Emma.
'Bitch, I was just about to call you.' Emma says, cheerful as always.
'Haha sorry I haven't called lately. How are you doing?'
'Ugh the usual. My boss is no good. He's been making me work more these days.'
'You should just quit that lousy job. You deserve better than that Emma.'
'How about you. How's Mr Hot guy?'
I had told Emma about my new job and of course had to tell her my boss was quite attractive. Okay, maybe not quite but very. She squealed in excitement when I told her and she probably gave me a long scolding when I said I would keep things professional.
'He's okay. 'I replied shrugging my shoulders.
We talked for a while and Emma told me about a guy she met at the club. Emma was the more spontaneous friend. I never liked clubs and I haven't had any relationships since the cheating incident 2 years ago. I just never trusted anyone enough to let them it. Being betrayed by Damien after being together for 4 years hurt me so much. I remember the day I walked into his room to see him fucking a blonde haired slut. He claimed it was a mistake and he would never do it again. But of course, I found out he had been sleeping around with girls the whole time. I thought maybe he was the one. I've never had sex with anyone, not even Damien. He hit me a few times when he was drunk or angry but thank God he didn't harass me or something. He never did treat me right. I was just too blind to see. It took me so long to realise how pathetic I must have looked. I hate him so much but I hated the betrayal the most. I can't stand seeing people cheat on their partners and I'm still too afraid to love someone again.

Romeo's POV
I've been so busy with work that I haven't been able to spend much time with my baby boy. I hope he hasn't been giving too much trouble to Mia. Mia..this girl has creeped into my head since the day I met her. She's beautiful and I find myself falling for her each day. She has the prettiest smile and the most beautiful laugh. I can tell she has grown attached to Leo and so has he. We talked a couple of times about life in general and she has such a beautiful and caring heart.

'Diego, let's go home. I need some sleep.' I'm tired as fuck and I really need a good rest.
It's late and everyone must be asleep. I walk through the quiet corridors and to my room. I'm about to turn the doorknob when I hear a scream and muffled cries from Mia's room. I rush in the room to find her crying in her sleep, she must have had a nightmare. She was shaking and covered in sweat.

'Mia, wake up. It's just a nightmare. Wake up. Mia!'

She opened her eyes and looked at me. She was still shaking when I took her into my arms. I ran my hand up and down her back trying to calm her down.

'Shhh. It's okay. You're okay now.'

We stayed like that for a while. She finally looked up at me with tear streaked cheeks.

'I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?' she asked apologetically.

'No, no. I just got back. Are you okay?'

She nodded silently looking down.

'Hey. It's okay. Do you wanna talk about it?'

'I just have these nightmares..since my parents died. I was in the accident with them but they managed to push me out before the car fell in the river. I can't get the scene out of my head since then.'

'I'm so sorry,' I say holding her shaking hands.

She gave me a small smile.

I notice her yawn so I tell her 'You should go back to sleep.'

Just as I was about to walk away she grabs my hand.

'Can you stay with me? I'm scared.'

I can see the fear in her eyes. I've never seen her like this. It breaks my heart.

I nod and tell her,
'I'll just be a minute. I'm gonna change.'

Mia's POV
I watched as Romeo walked out and came back in a t-shirt and sweatpants. He climbed onto the other side of the bed and turned to me.

'Have they always been this bad?' He asked.

'Sometimes,' I said sighing.

Having him near me gave me comfort. I didn't want him to leave me.
Romeo put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. I rested my head on his chest and soon fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.

Romeo's POV
I watched as the beautiful woman beside me fell asleep. She looks so peaceful unlike a few minutes ago. I'm falling for her and I'm falling really really hard. I want to keep her safe,protect her and I don't want her to know who I really am. I'm not really proud of being in the Mafia and I will try my best to keep her away from it. She's so good with Leo. He was so fussy before but now he doesn't even cry much. Even if he does, Mia can calm him down in 3 minutes. It takes me more than 10 minutes. That little fox. He loves playing with her hair and smiles whenever she picks him up.
I slowly caress her face and it's so soft. She looks like an angel. Her lips slightly parted
and her long eyelashes fanning her cheeks.
I've never slept with anyone. I've only had sex with some whores and sent them away as soon as we were done. Sleeping beside Mia was something I could get used to. It didn't take long before sleep consumed me too.

Hey loves, so Mia and Romeo finally had a cute moment. What do you think of this chapter? Let me know in the comments!!

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