Emma Visits

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Mia's POV

'Bitch!! I missed you!' Emma said dropping her bags and lunging at me. She is a total ball of energy.

'Hahaha take it slow! I missed you too!'

We were at the airport to pick Emma up. I told Romeo he didn't have to come along but he said he wanted to.

'Oooh is this your Mr.Hottie?' Emma asked stressing the your and gawking at Romeo. He just looked at me and shook his head smiling.

'Okay.. so Romeo, Emma and Emma, Romeo.' I introduced them and they shook hands.

'Nice to meet you,' Romeo says.

'Likewise.' Emma says with a wink.

'I can see why Mia likes you, and you're one lucky man to get my best friend. Treat her right or I'll slit your throat,' she says threatening Romeo and showing him a cutting motion on her neck.

'Yes Ma'am. I'll keep that in mind,' Romeo joked.

We returned to the house and got her settled in. It was time dinner and I was in Emma's room while she picked a thousand outfits. Romeo had promised to take us out and I had already changed and done my makeup. I was wearing a chain-embellished teal colored mini dress.

 I was wearing a chain-embellished teal colored mini dress

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Mia's dress above^

After what felt like forever Emma found a dress and put it on twirling and asking me if I approve. It was a black off shoulder mini body-con dress and she looked nice. It was totally her style.

 It was totally her style

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Emma's dress^

'Yes bitch, you look good. Can we go now?' I whine while curling my hair.

I put my hair in a half up half down style while Emma did a slick bun with some loose strands framing her face.

We went to my room so I could take my purse and just then, Bria stormed in shouting, 'Mia Holmes. How dare you not tell me your best friend is here!! Eeeee it's so nice to finally meet you,' she said gushing over Emma and hugging her.

Emma looked at me confused and I shrugged my shoulders asking her
'You're not even greet me when you just got back?'

'So um, this is Romeo's sister Bria. And this is my best friend Emma.' I said pointing at each of them.

'We're so gonna have fun. Come on. The boys are waiting!' Bria said pulling us both out the door.

Oh God, how am I gonna handle both of them. They're so energetic.
We walked down the stairs and Romeo was standing waiting there with Matteo. They were both wearing a shirt and some slacks. Leo was in Romeo's arms and the Moses basket at their side.

'Why didn't you tell me that your boyfriend has a hot brother?' Emma whispered as we go down.
Romeo introduces them and takes my hand as I take the basket.

'Looking as stunning as ever, Stellina,' Romeo said pulling me in for a sweet short kiss.

We drove to another of Romeo's restaurants and walked into a VIP section. It was a large restaurant on the rooftop of a hotel with floor to ceiling windows, overlooking the city. Our table had the best view and I admired the cars as they buzzed through the busy city. Romeo put his hand on my thigh making me feel all tingly inside.
We all ate happily laughing and just having fun. Emma and Matteo seemed to get along pretty well. She blushed when Matteo complimented her and let me tell you. My best friend does not blush. She likes to have fun but no man has ever made her blush. This is a first for Emma. Leo wiggled in his chair asking me to carry him so I picked him up and put him on my lap.

'We need to hit the club!!' Bria said enthusiastically.

'You guys go, it's past Leo's bedtime. I need to take him home.' Romeo said to us.

'I'll go with you,' I told him.

'You're no fun,' Emma said pouting.

'Hey! You know I don't really do clubs and I'm feeling tired tonight.' I say shrugging.

The three of them left for the club in Matteo's car and I went home with Romeo.
Leo was fast asleep in my arms and Romeo started talking.

'My family is coming over this weekend. There's this annual mafia gala thing coming soon. Each year the mafias takes turns hosting it and it's our turn this year. I was meaning to ask you if you'd go with me? To the gala?'
'I would love to,' I tell him.

His family is coming. Will they like me? How will they react?
I started thinking as we passed the big gates.
I tucked Leo in bed and decided to sleep in Romeo's room tonight. I shower and put on a lace trim cami pyjama set and got into his bed. Romeo came out of the bathroom in only boxers and sat beside me. We turned on the tv and stayed like that for a while.

Romeo's POV
Mia is really tempting me with that outfit. It shows off her sexy legs and I can't help but glimpse at her cleavage. I really want to fuck her till she can't walk but I'm controlling myself. I want the first time to be really special.
Mia breaks my thought as she says ,'Romeo. We have a problem.'

'What is it baby?'

'I don't have anything to wear to the gala, what am I going to do?'

I laugh and say, 'I have a small surprise for you.'

I take the white box out from beneath the bed and put it on her lap. She looked at me with questioning eyes and I tell her to open it.
She untied the blue ribbon and gasped.

'What is this?'

I had bought her a beautiful black backless dress with thin straps. I know it would compliment her body perfectly. I had to ask my friend Jacqueline, to find me some dresses form her boutique so I could choose from them. When I saw this black one, I knew I had to take it. Mia's favorite color is black. She looked at it in awe pulling it against her chest.

'Oh Romeo, it's gorgeous! I love it!'

She sat up and kissed me on the cheek.
I bend down and whisper 'Can't wait to see you in it.'

She smiles at me and folds it back neatly in the box.

'Thank you.'

Here's a longer chapter for you guys! Please vote for me and leave some comments. Dress reveal coming later. Also, what do you guys usually have for breakfast?

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