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Mia's POV

2 weeks later

I wake up to a heavy weight on my belly and look down to see Romeo's arm on me. Suddenly feeling the urge to throw up, I run to the bathroom emptying all the contents. I brush my teeth and do the necessities but I feel sick.
I get back in bed, too lazy to do anything.

'Morning amore.' Romeo says as he kisses my forehead.

'Morning.' I murmur.

'You okay?' He sweetly asks.

'Yeah....just feeling a bit sick. It's probably gonna be that time of the month.'

Romeo chuckles.

'Alright. If you feel like it, let's go to the city with Leo tonight? So we can have dinner and all? It's okay if you wanna stay in though.'

'No. I think I wanna go. It'll probably help my mood.'

'Sure. Whatever my fiancé wants, she gets.' He says kissing me. I instantly feel better. Still can't believe we're now engaged.

Romeo left for work and I'm in the kitchen with the girls. They're making something for lunch, seafood I think. As soon as they take it out of the oven, the strong smell fills my nose, and bile rises up my throat. I rush to the bathroom again as the girls watch me worriedly.

'You okay?' Bria asks.

'Yeah. I probably ate something bad last night.'

'Aww. Poor thing. Maybe you should see the doctor,' Emma says.

'No, I'm fine,' I say but deep inside, I know I'm not.

'Wait what if you're pregnant?' She asks.

'Yeah, you should get tested,' Bria says.

'But I'm on birth control,' I say.

'Just do it.'

'You never know.'

So I went to the store and got a test. I had just peed on the stick like the box instructs, and I'm waiting. I'm nervous as fuck. 3 minutes have passed. And, it's time....
I slowly look at the results and I see it. Fuck. 2 lines. I'm pregnant.

I'm pregnant!! Oh my God!! I start panicking as I think of how Romeo would react and if he even wanted a baby. Baby. There's an actual baby in my stomach. I place my hands on my belly, not believing that there's an actual being growing inside there. I start crying until some time. It's evening and I should get ready for dinner.

I put on a pink silk top with some black jeans and a belt. I choose a bright red lipstick and put on some jewelry. I finish the look with some black stiletto heels and I'm ready.

 I finish the look with some black stiletto heels and I'm ready

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'You look stunning, Amore.' Romeo walks in with Leo in his arms. 'How are you feeling?'


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