The Mafia

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Mia's POV
Romeo soon fell asleep and I went to clean up and take a shower. It's been one hell of a night and I'm just glad Romeo's okay. Leo woke up once but I managed to put him back to sleep. I slept on the couch in Romeo's room making sure he got everything he needed.
It is the next day and Romeo is still asleep. I'm currently on my way to get him breakfast. He was already awake when I reached his room and we ate in comfortable silence. I was cleaning up the dishes and was going to clean the room when he stopped me.

Romeo's POV
'Mia,' I called after her.

'Yeah? Do you need anything?' She asked walking towards the bed.

'No no. I just wanted to talk to you,' I said patting the empty side of my bed motioning for her to sit.


Once she had settled down beside me, I took her hands in mine and looked into her eyes.

'Thank you. For staying by my side and looking after me. You must be tired having to look after Leo too.'

'It's nothing,' she said shyly.

'No really. Thank you. I also know you have a lot of questions and I think it's time you know.'

I look at her to see her reaction and getting the permission to continue, I said,

'I live a life I'm not very proud of. Especially what I do. As you already know I own a lot of businesses and um.. not all of them would you say? Legal?'

She was silent and just looking at me so I just blurt out.

'I'm in the Mafia.'

She didn't say anything for a while.

'Mia? Are you okay? Please say something' I said with pleading eyes.

'Um.. yeah yeah. I'm okay. I just- that was a lot to take in. I-'

'Hey hey, it's okay. I get it. I tried to keep it from you because I wasn't proud of it. I just didn't want you to see this side of me. I didn't want to disappoint you. Ever since I met you, Mia. I wanted to be good for you. I'm falling for you Mia. I've never felt this way before. I didn't want you to leave me. I was scared you would be afraid and run away. You matter so much to me.'
'Romeo, I'm not going to run. I just- well I don't know. It's quite a shock for me. That's all.'
'Yeah I get it. You can take your time.'

I can tell she was still very shocked as she slowly nodded.

'I'm um just going to take the dishes away,' she said softly and left the room.

Gosh.. did I scare her? Is she disappointed in me? Will she still want to see me?

Mia's POV
'I'm in the mafia.'

Romeo's words were repeating in my head. The seriousness of it just registered in my brain. Does he kill people? Oh my god. Does he actually? No he can't right? He's not that kind of person. He just confessed his feelings for me though. My heart swelled at the thought. Am I ready to be in a relationship with a mafia man? Part of me was scared but part of me was telling me to let him in. I saw the sincerity in Romeo's eyes and I know he meant it when he told me he wasn't proud of it and all.

I took the dishes to the sink and cleaned up a bit. I thought about what I wanted to do. I honestly have feelings for Romeo and there's a certain pull towards him. I really want to give him a chance. I decide to go back to Romeo's room.

'Hey. You came back,' he said sounding cheerful.

'Why would I not?' I asked smiling.

He smiled back at me showing all his teeth. He then gestured for me to join him on the bed so I did.

'How are you feeling?'

'Better but it does hurt.'

We sat in silence until I asked, 'You don't kill people right?'

'Well no, not innocent people. Unless they harm our family or business. We don't.'


As long as he doesn't go around killing people I guess that's fine. I was so into my thoughts I didn't notice Romeo had fallen asleep hugging me. I stayed for a while before going to check up on Leo and feed him. Romeo was still asleep when I went back so I joined him.

So Romeo finally told her!! He also opened up about his feelings towards her? Are they finally gonna be a couple? Lemme know ;) See ya later!!

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