Leonardo De Luca (Sneakpeek)

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I wake up to a splitting headache and run my hands over my face as the night's events come back like a wave

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I wake up to a splitting headache and run my hands over my face as the night's events come back like a wave. Just how much did I drink?

I remember getting angry after finding a mole among my men. I was always so careful when it comes to choosing people to work for me but I must have missed something.

Liz, the blonde I often slept around with, tried to make me release but took too long so I sent her off. She can be a good fuck sometimes but she's starting to become too clingy and I don't have time to deal with her shit.

I quickly shower and put on my signature outfit, a black tailored suit with a white dress shirt underneath. I decided on going with no tie today.

'Morning, Leo, did you sleep well?' My mom asks as I walk into the kitchen.

She's not my biological mom but she raised me since I was like 2 months so I would say she's my real mother. My biological mother didn't want me and apparently I was a product of one of my father's one night stands.

And that is why I take extra precaution when having sex.

'Not so good, Mamma,' I tell her and she looks at me understanding what I mean.

Shit, she probably saw me drunk last night. She doesn't like when I drink too much, and I hate to disappointment her,

'Someone has a hangover,' Aurora, my sister says in a singsong voice. She can be annoying sometimes, but I still care for her.

'You're gonna be an alcoholic at that rate. Here, have this. It's supposed to ease the hangover. It's honey with warm water,' my mom says, handing me a cup.

'You really should stop fucking around and settle down Leo. You're a mafia leader with a lot of responsibilities and I believe a wife will help you come to your senses. I suggest you find someone soon,' my father says.

Romeo De Luca, the mafia king, the most ruthless and heartless man known to earth, yet so soft when it comes to my mom. No one thought he would fall in love, but here we are now.

I took over the mafia when I was 22 and people say I'm even more cruel than my father is.

'I have no intentions of getting married, papa.' I say, sitting at the table while my mom sets my plate down in front of me. She made pancakes, my favorite.

'You'll have to eventually. If you don't find someone soon, I might have to make you marry that blonde you always sleep with. What's her name, Liz or something?'

'Fuck no!' I shout, banging my fists on my table.

'Enough, both of you!' My mom exclaims pointing at the both of us.

My dad is smirking. He knows what he did. He always gets on my nerves to get a reaction from me. My sister looks at us and giggles softly.

'Your dad is right, Leo. You really should get married soon,' my mom says looking at me.

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