The Meeting

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Romeo's POV

Diego just called me. I'm quite surprised he found a babysitter so fast. It's only been a day.

'Capo' Diego nodded at me.

'Run a background check on that babysitter girl. What's her name again?'

'Mia, sir.'

Leo is growing older each day and although he's still 2 months old, he's still a lot to handle. I smiled at the little boy in his crib and kissed his forehead.

I was sitting in my office when Diego came in handing me a file.

'Here you go, Capo.'

'Thank you.'

I opened the file and the first thing that caught my eye was the beautiful girl in the picture. She had light hazel eyes and they were the prettiest. I learnt that her parents passed away and she doesn't have any siblings. After finding out she was clean, I went back to my work.

Mia's POV
Diego, the young man from yesterday came to pick me up. We passed a big gate after Diego nodded at the two guards there. I could feel my eyes widen as I stared at the big mansion. There were guards everywhere, I guess the man loved his security. We walked into a beautiful room with marble floors and white walls. There was a huge staircase that led upstairs. To say I was in awe would be an understatement. It was so pretty. He took me to what seemed like an office. Sitting behind the desk was a young man with brown hair, slightly ruffled. He looked hot. He looked up and I met his blue gray eyes. I think I got caught in the moment I didn't see Diego gesturing me to go in.

Romeo's POV

'She's here,' Diego said as she walked in. I must have zoned out for a moment because I didn't notice Diego talking.

'I'm sorry, what were you saying?'

'I was just asking if you need anything else.'

'No, you may leave'

Once again, I met her beautiful eyes. She had wavy brown hair that fell to her waist. She was built small and her body was perfect. The skirt she was wearing accentuated her curves. I found myself imagining how it would be like to touch every inch of that body. Get a grip, Romeo.

'Have a seat, Miss Holmes.' She nodded and sat in front of me.

'So as you may know I am a businessman ... and a single father.' I probably didn't need to say that but it slipped my tongue. 'My son is only 2 months old and I can't really spend a lot of time at home. May I ask where you are staying?'
'At a hotel, Sir,' she replied. Her voice was like honey and I started imaging her screaming my name out loud. Oh Romeo, she's your babysitter. Stop drooling over her.

'I um have a request. I have to work till late at night and sometimes I am required at the office at unruly hours. I was wondering if you could stay here? I have many spare bedrooms and you can choose whichever one you want.'
Maybe that was a bit straightforward but it's true. I need someone to be close to Leo 24/7.

Mia's POV
Wait, did my boss to be just ask me to move in with him!? Also he's a single father.. interesting..

'You don't have to decide right away. But please let me know by Saturday at the latest.'

'Thank you, Sir. I'll think about it.'

'Please call me Romeo,' he said holding out his hand. I returned the gesture and shook his hand. Diego took me back to the hotel.

I'm running out of money and this seems to be my only option for now. If I can't find a job by Saturday, I guess I'll be a babysitter. I mean my boss is really really hot, just saying and my pay is great. I probably will make more than what my previous bosses paid me. I honestly don't get paid my worth.

It is now 10 am. Tired, I slip off my clothes and take a warm bath. After binge-watching Netflix, I finally fall asleep. I may or may not have dreamt about a certain blue eyed man who was hot as fuck.

Romeo's POV
I lay in bed thinking about a certain hazel eyed girl. She was even more beautiful in person. The pictures did her no justice. I hope she takes the job. I really need a babysitter and for some strange reason I really want it to be her. I have never been interested in any woman, not even Leo's mother. Something about Mia was just different. I can't put my finger on it.

So another chapter! Quite short but how was it?

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