The View

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Mia's POV

What the hell is going on? How did Romeo get shot? He was badly injured. I'm worried out of my mind right now but I'm also confused as fuck. I noticed that Bria and Matteo were calmer than I thought.. as if it was nothing no no that can't be. How can bullet wounds be normal to anyone?

'Can someone explain what the heck I just saw?' I asked as they took Romeo into the the so called medical room I didn't even knew existed.

'Um Mia, are you okay? You don't look so good,' Bria asked completely ignoring something.

Yeah definitely fishy.

'I'm fine. I'm just worried about Romeo.. and Diego' I quickly added in case they get the wrong idea.

'Rome will be fine. Relax,' Matteo said with a twinkle in his eye.

I just nod and sit at the stool by the kitchen counter.
The doctor whose name was Antonio or something came out of the room and told us Romeo would wake up soon. Bria pushed me towards the room as she and Matteo just walked up to their rooms. Yep , they definitely knew something was going on between their brother and me.

I slowly walked into the room as some men helped Diego out. I asked him if he was okay and he told me not to worry before going away.
Romeo lay on the bed with his eyes closed. He looked so calm. There was an IV line connected to his arm and his chest rose and fell gently. I sat down beside him taking his hand in mine and rubbing circles between his thumb and index finger. I was admiring his beautiful features up close when his eyes fluttered open. He looked straight at me with an expression I can't comprehend. Unable to hold his stare, I look away towards his waist and stomach where the wounds were.

'How are you feeling?' I asked.

'Like I've been hit by a bus.' He chuckled and smirked.

Knowing he was hiding something I didn't ask him more. I was very curious but I wanted him to tell me when he was ready.

'The doctor said that you need to have some bedrest for like 2 weeks.'

'2 weeks?' Romeo asked groaning.

'Yeah..he said you can go back to your bedroom if you'd like. I'll help you.'


Romeo led me to his bedroom and I opened the door. There was a huge glass window on one side with a view of the small forest behind the house. There was a stream in the distance and it was so pretty. He had a large King sized bed in the middle with a luxurious couch on one side of the room. I saw 2 doors which looked like it led to the bathroom and closet.

'Wow..'I said staring at the view.

Romeo just smiled as I helped him on the bed.

'You like the view?' He asked.

'Yeah it's beautiful. I could look at it all day.'

'Me too.'

O..kayy so Mia is suspicious. Will Romeo tell her? Also what view do you think he was talking about?

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