Bullet Wounds

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3 weeks later
Mia's POV

The past few weeks have been pretty eventful. I was becoming pretty close with the guys. Diego has been around and he's a pretty cool guy. He's dating the girl he had a conversation about the babysitter job with. I pity the girl working for that uptight boss.
Matteo is the crackhead of the family. He's always making fun of us. I also met Romeo's little sister. She's about the same age as Emma and yep they would be great friends if they met. They're so alike I sometimes think it's Emma in disguise. I miss her. Don't get me wrong, I love Bria but I miss my bestie. Bria took me shopping but remind me not to go with her again. She dragged me through lots of stores I had a splitting headache that day.

I'm now sitting in the kitchen with Bria and Matteo. We're eating the cupcakes and talking about random stuff. It's late and Leo is already asleep. Matteo is talking about a random girl he met. Romeo isn't home yet and I'm having a weird feeling like something might go wrong.

The door burst open suddenly and Diego walked in limping while trying to drag Romeo in. Romeo was covered in blood.

Romeo's POV
The Russians play dirty. Antonov sent his men to shoot me at my office. Very clean move. The Russians are one of the biggest mafia groups in the world but obviously, I'm the most powerful and I have more men and allies. Nobody likes the Russians and they're really messy when they do work.
Anyways, it was late and I was still at my office alone doing work. There was security around the perimeter and Diego was somewhere in the building. I don't know how but the Russians managed to break in and yeah there was a shootout. Diego was shot in the leg and well I was shot twice but non life threatening.
We managed to make it home in 7 minutes. Diego opened the door revealing a very surprised Bria sitting with Matteo. I also spotted a very very shocked Mia who was frozen at her spot.
Dammit, now I'll have to explain what I do and how I got hurt. I don't want to scare her away. What if she runs away from me? What if she hates me? God, no no. She can't leave me and Leo. I care too much to let her go.

'Shit.' I muttered under my breath. I messed up big time. Her eyes went wide from realisation and she rushed over to my side.

'Oh My God, Romeo! Are you ok? What happened? Are you hurt? How did this happen? Oh gosh, it's probably gonna hurt a lot. Shouldn't we call an ambulance? Bria, get an ambulance!' She screamed at Bria.

'Woah woah slow down. I'm fine. It's just a little wound. And no we don't need an ambulance, I have a friend whose a doctor and he lives right down the street. Don't worry I'll be fine. And that's a lot of questions. Give me time to breathe.' I chuckled but winced at the pain in my side.
Mia noticed this and started examining me, getting her hands all covered in my blood.

'No, you're not okay. Wait, are these bullets?! What the-'

Just then, Antonio our doctor walked in and ordered some of my men to take us to the medical room.

'I'll explain later. I promise,' I mouthed at Mia as I was dragged away.

Oh no..Romeo is injured. Mia is confused. Will he open up and tell her about his real job? Will she accept him for who he is? Find out soon ;)

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