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Hey guys, just dropping by to say my new story 'Ghosts' is out. Please go check it out if you want! It's a special agent kinda romance story so yeah, go read it! Also thank you for 1.58k reads! It means a lot to me. I thought no one would ever read my stories but thanks for giving me a chance. Love you guys so much!

They are ghosts, not the fbi and not the mafia, but something greater.
She's the best and she works alone. He's the best, and his team means everything to him. What happens when she has to join his team? Will he accept her after what happened before? And will she learn to work with others?


Seven's POV

I hide in the shadows, adrenaline pumping through my veins. One of the guards walk towards my hiding spot and I tackle him to the ground without a sound. Dodging bullets and stepping over dead or unconscious bodies, I finally make it to the boss. The man is short and it looks like he's shrinking, making him look even smaller. I send him a glare and he cowers in fear knowing I took out all his men. He gripped the briefcase tightly, trying to run, but he knew better than that. I smirk and shoot him in the legs, taking the briefcase.
'Mission 128 completed,' I say into my earpiece.
I walked out of the chaos, briefcase in hand, head held high. Completing missions was a piece of cake for me. I'm an agent, more like a 'Ghost'. I work at a non governmental agency where we do all the stuff the FBI or whatever people can't handle or solve. No one knows who we are, no one has seen our faces, no one knows we exist. We are 'The Ghosts'. We appear to disappear.

The boss is a good friend of my parents, he basically raised me when they died. I don't trust anyone but I respect him. My mother used to tell me to never trust anyone. I am the best Ghost in our agency, and everyone knows it. They respect me , but no one knows who I am. We wear masks and some sort of high tech glasses all the time. Everyone works in teams, except me. I work alone. You could say I'm superior.

I head back to headquarters and the auto machine on the lift tells me Boss is calling. Yep, our agency has some pretty cool high tech stuff.

'Agent 7, great work, as always,' Boss says as I enter.
'Thank you, sir.' I'm about to leave, thinking he's done but he stops me.
'Seven, I need to talk to you. Sit down.'

'I've always been proud of you and admired your work as a solo agent. You're just like your mom, independent and determined.'
Okay. I know this but what is he trying to say? And why is he bringing my mom into this? He knows I don't like to talk about my parents.
I nod to indicate I'm listening.
'But I think it's time you join a team.'
'Boss, I'm fully capable of working alone. I don't need a team and I will not join one.'
'Look, I know you can do things on your own, but there are new agents coming in and I need you to set a good example and train them.. AS A TEAM.'
'But Boss-'
'Seven, this is not up for discussion. You will join a team.'
His voice is stern and when Boss speaks in this tone, there is no room for argument.
I turn and slam the door to his office, angry.
'Just try it for a year!' I hear him yell after me.
I groan in frustration and fidget with my knives. I don't want a team. They're slow, unorganised and will only hinder my progress. I hate this.
'Fuck!' I shout, causing all the other agents to look at me weirdly.
Joining a team means less freedom. Every team is given a house to live in, not far from HQ. I, however have a place of my own, which no one knows. If I am to join a team, it means I'll have to live with them.
Mad and frustrated, I get on my bike and drive away from HQ. This is what I like. Freedom. The wind blowing strongly against my face, the dim street lights, the few cars buzzing through the silent streets. My hair flowing freely behind me. It feels great. This is what I like. Not some fucking team. Angry again, I step on the accelerator and zoom past the few cars, finally reaching my humble abode.

I live in a basement which, when seen by the blind eye is a wall at the end of an alley. I check my surroundings and seeing no one, the retina scanner does its job and the wall opens up. Why do I live in a basement you might ask? I don't know. I guess I feel safer there. I'm rich though. Ghosts get paid really well and I have a few cars and of course my bike. Most of the cars are given to us for missions but I bought my baby with my own money. I drive to the basement and park my bike before going to the bathroom. Every room in my house is protected by high security and I'm the only one who can pass through the doors. I'm not only a field agent, I'm also a high tech specialist, which is why I'm the only solo agent. I never needed anyone's help. From hacking to assassination, I do it myself and I do it alone.

Romeo De Luca (formerly Our Story)Where stories live. Discover now